United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 11490.
by Scott McKeon
Phoenix East, AZ
God shares with us many of His characteristics, attributes, and titles of positions of authority through the names He uses in the Bible. We will examine some of those names and characteristics so that we may better know and understand the...
by Ken Skorseth
Sioux Falls, SD
With what attitude should we present ourselves at God's holy convocations? There's a Sabbath each week, so isn't it just a "common" occurrence — or is there something special about God's annual and weekly Feast days? Just how is a...
by Randy Schreiber
Albuquerque, NM
This is part of a series on basic doctrines. 
by Paul Shemet
Las Vegas, NV
We as God's people have so many more blessings to be thankful for every day, than the rest of the world even knows. Do we stop and think about these far-reaching spiritual gifts and thank God for them specifically?
by David Marcum
Orange County, CA
To obey and truly believe God, is to be a friend of God.
by Matthew McDonald
Dallas, TX
The Feast of Trumpets reminds us to focus on the return of Jesus Christ. Are we actually ready for that day to come? By sharing a very personal story, we will discuss five important reminders that we need to be mindful of as we await...
by Mike Miller
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
2 Cor. 5:7 says we are to  walk by faith. Faith is that added dimension of understanding, beyond our natural senses that enables us to see a bigger picture. This message will examine some ways this affects us, when we finally grasp or take...
by Carl Kinsella
Salem, OR
Is baptism required for salvation and if so, who says so? How is it done, and what are the steps that make up baptism? From the physical act, it's pretty simple and fast, but the spiritual benefits are enormous! Today, we will look at...
by Doug Wendt
Jekyll Island, Georgia 2015
Can you picture the amazing changes that God has in store for mankind? A wonderful part of seeking first the kingdom of God is to ponder and talk about the beautiful restoration that is promised.
by Don Hooser
Dallas, TX
The Feast of Trumpets points to a series of events in the end times. We wish we understood the fulfillment of this day better than we do. Presently, we are seeing the sobering (and depressing) decline of the USA. But, happily, each day...
by Jim Ford
Albuquerque, NM
The world is heading to the precipice, trouble in this world of unprecedented proportions. Do we believe that there is a Kingdom to come, that it is close? These topics are discussed in part 1 of the May 2012 Kingdom of God Seminar series...
by Ted Budge
Los Angeles, CA
We live in a culture that subjects us to a frantic pace, dizzying distractions, increasing complexities, constant change and growing demands on our time. Given during the Days of Unleavened Bread, this message explains, from a biblical...
by Randy D'Alessandro
Chicago, IL
The first twelve chapters of the Book of Isaiah focus attention on Judah and Jerusalem. Chapter 12 forms a fitting climax and close for this whole section. Chapters 11 and 12 conclude the prophecies begun in chapter 7 relating to the...
by Derek Strauss
Dallas, TX
Psalm 23 presents us with a description of the special relationship between the good Shepherd and His sheep. One specific aspect of that relationship involves anointing the heads of the sheep with oil. Let’s examine the deeper meaning...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
What is one of the most important lessons from the account of Jesus feeding the 5,000?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
There are scientifically (and spiritually) proven benefits to taking the time to watch the birds.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Historical fiction can bring history life and can be a pleasant diversion.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Winston Churchill was a giant of the 20th century and many books have been written about him. Three specific books hold some valuable lessons.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Things happen in history according to God's purpose and plan; reading history books can help verify prophecy and show God's hand in events.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Reading can be an invaluable tool in gaining wisdom and knowledge.
