United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 58308.
by John Elliott
Yuma, AZ
Of many covenants God has made, the New Covenant embraces us at this time. Understanding both God's role and responsibilities, and your role and responsibilities in fulfilling it are vital to its success.
by Stephen Bouchette
North Canton, OH
Throughout our lives we attach ourselves to another through a covenant. Marriage is a covenant, and when we become baptized we establish a covenant. But sometimes this covenant of attachment is broken. God promised to us that He will not...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
It's important to recognize and identify sins in our life, but we can't stay there. We must repent and move forward.
by Tim Martens
Northwest Arkansas
The values of the marriage covenant and how that also translates to our relationship with Christ will help us to show God our proper respect and devotion. With this in mind, we can learn to reject behaviors and attitudes that will...
by Charles Melear
New Braunfels, Texas 2012
Do you understand the New Covenant?  It is the basis of our relationship with God, and ensures the success of the Millennium.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The coronavirus pandemic showed us how quickly conditions can change. How can you prepare?
by Robert Dick
Victoria, British Columbia 2016
God's intent from the time He made His covenant with Israel in the Wilderness was that Israel should "sell" His way of life to all peoples. Ancient Israel didn't have a heart for the job but when the Millennium begins God will enter a New...
by David D Schreiber
La Crosse, WI
 What is God's promise? How is our relationship with Him?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Many have speculated about a mysterious group in the book of Revelation called the 144,000.
by Bob Dickey
Bend, Oregon 2011
In this message we look forward to that time when the earth will be filled with new covenant men.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
What's in a name? What did Jesus institute with the bread and wine?
by Robin Webber
Las Vegas, NV
When we are concerned with others we often state: "What in the world is wrong with you?" Let's go a step further by asking ourselves--What in Sodom is wrong in you? Say what? Me? We often pinpoint and single out one sin in regards to Sodom...
by Robert Dick
Canmore, Alberta 2015
God's covenant was established with Abram then passed on to Israel.  Times and circumstances have changed, and the contract has been enhanched. In spite of all the problems of mankind, God's faithfulness endures and all problems will be...
by Robin Webber
Oceanside, California 2016
This will hopefully be an “upward and onward message” as we depart from the festivals. The Great Theme of the Scriptures is the revelation of God to His creation---“that they may know that I am the Lord” is mentioned in much of God’s...
by Rick Beam
Rome, GA
Only God's way truly works. Only through baptism do we have an opportunity in Christ. You cannot make sin work. Only God can write His character on us. Through the covenant of baptism we belong to Christ. Whatever belongs to God, He...
by Ken Thompson
New Braunfels, Texas 2013
There is a Hebrew counterpart to the Greek “agape”. This word is the foundation of this new covenant spoken of by Jeremiah. In the Psalms alone, the word lovingkindness is used 21 times. Jeremiah 9:23-24 (New King James Version) 23...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
There's a point of view we all need to have.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The Passover, with its rich and meaningful ceremony, begins the Holy Day year, revealing God's plan for mankind. Have you considered its personal significance to you?
by Paul Smith
Maui, Hawaii 2013
This message shows us how Jesus' death pays for the sins of the Old Covenant Saints and assures that they will be a part of the Kingdom of God.  God, in His forbearance, deferred His right to demand payment for their sins/debts until Jesus...
by Rainer Salomaa
Canmore, Alberta 2015
God hates pride and haughtiness.  In the Kingdom of God all nations and individuals will be brought low.  Pride was the first sin and it precedes and leads to all other sins.  The antidote is simple.  Be patient, maintain an attitude of...
