United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 42997.
by Steven Shafer
Freeland, MI
Today, many people of the world need spiritual healing. They need to be healed of mental and emotional wounds. What about people in God's Church? Many of us also need spiritual healing because of adverse things that may have happened in...
by Greg Musgrove
Panama City Beach, Florida 2018
Jesus Christ will bring healing to the Nations when He returns. There are many types of healing that the world needs today. One of those is emotional healing. War has caused much emotional damage the end of war will lead the way for...
by Bill Bradford
Chicago, IL
Discover our potential for emotional healing in relation to God’s relationship with His people.
by Doug Wendt
Jekyll Island, Georgia 2023
As we draw closer to the return of Jesus Christ, how much do we focus on the promises that will take place under God’s government? A time of transformation will be ushered in as our glorious King begins to heal all the physical, mental,...
by Roy Holladay
Panama City Beach, Florida 2013
 In the World tomorrow we will be rulers, but what kind of ruler will you be?
by Kevin Kenady
Sevierville, Tennessee 2015
God is the perfect encourager, and He gives us this Feast to encourage us and fill our emotional tanks. How can we fill others' emotional tanks?
by Vince Szymkowiak
Branson, Missouri 2014
Jesus is returning to this earth and He will begin the greatest rescue operation of all time – He will save humanity from the destruction brought about by  the events of the end of the age.  He will rescue humanity  from their suffering...
by Bart Bornhorst
Oceanside, California 2013
What will be the effects of Christ's promise of living waters of healing. Living water has both physical and spiritual implications.
by Scott Moss
Cincinnati, Ohio 2015
UCG Fort Wayne elder Scott Moss shines a Scriptural searchlight on five of the major facets of the highly polished gem that is the Kingdom of God: 1) Jesus ruling, 2) Satan bound, 3) firstfruits born, 4) the Spirit poured out on all flesh...
by Rex Sexton
Portland, OR
We suffer wounds and they may heal but scars seldom go away. We are to learn to live with our scars. Put past things behind us. Satan wants to use our scars against us. Mr Sexton provides encouragement to help us properly handle our...
by Mike Iiams
Steamboat Springs, Colorado 2016
The Feast of Tabernacles pictures a time when all the hurt that Satan's world has caused will be healed.
by David Roenspies
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin 2012
Healing is an important part of the Gospel message.
by Russ DeVilbiss
Cincinnati, Ohio 2016
The beginning of the Millennium will be a time of healing, when people have suffered greatly. We will have to help them and teach them, and to do so must have a healthy appreciation for the potential of all people.
by Herbert Teitgen
Panama City Beach, Florida 2011
In this message we discuss the day which is coming when God will bring healing and restoration to a broken world.
by Randy D'Alessandro
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin 2007
Those who don't understand God's way will need each and every one of us for help. Our training for that time is now and will continue to go on until Christ's return. In our training, we can't blame God for our healing. Obeying God's law is...
by Ed Emery
Salem, OR
We are a physical creation, and because of that, we break sometimes. We are vulnerable to damage, whether physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. In God’s great love, mercy and purpose for us, He gives us the incredible gift of...
United News
by John Cafourek, Larry Scher
What does God say about how the pain and suffering experienced in today's world can be healed? The third part of a series by the Focused Education team on abuse.
by Brian McGuire
Bend, Oregon 2012
 We are in our timeline of the Feast of Tabernacles near the very end of the millennial rule of Jesus Christ. We are on the verge of the beginning of the great Kingdom of God. The healing that has taken place with Christ's coming and...
