United Church of God


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Total results: 20803.
United News

Welcome to the September-October 2024 issue of United News!

United News

Welcome to the July-August 2024 issue of United News!

United News

Welcome to the January-February 2024 issue of United News!

United News

Welcome to the May-June 2024 issue of United News!

United News

Welcome to the March-April 2024 issue of United News!

Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
There isn't a lot of good news around lately, but the gospel imparts great news for all of mankind.
Beyond Today Magazine

It’s obvious that our world is plagued with serious problems.

United News

Welcome to the November-December 2023 issue of United News!

by Paul Moody
Kennewick, WA
God's plan of salvation is the best news we could possibly have. As we walk through the Holy Day seasons in the course of the year, we are reminded of what has already been done for our redemption and what is yet to take place as we look...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Now more than ever, we all need the good news of Christ's gospel. But what was the message Jesus brought?
Beyond Today Magazine
by Jerold Aust
Fake news can spread like a virus, misleading and deceiving. Could it be affecting your life?
by Fred Nance
Jonesboro, AR
This Bible study examines our need to always keep our focus on the Kingdom. Seek first the Kingdom and pray God’s Kingdom come.
by Paul Moody
Chewelah, WA
Our ability to withstand the wiles of the devil relies heavily upon our spiritual footwear. As a piece of the whole armor of God, these shoes protect our feet from injury, keeping us in the fight. They give us the firm footing and...
Compass Check

Our world is ever changing. Some things change for the good, but unfortunately, a lot change for the bad. We can’t stop it from happening, so maybe the better question is: How do we deal with it?

Good Works
Paul Moody
Good Works
The Ghanaian brethren extend their deepest appreciation to Good Works and its supporters for their generosity!
In December of 2023, Good Works sent over $9,000 assistance for ongoing construction on a church hall expansion project.  These funds have allowed us to complete an important phase of that project.  The concrete lid has now been...
United News

Welcome to the November-December 2022 issue of United News!

by Gary Antion
Cincinnati East, OH
We are called to be witnesses of God's way of life. 
Good News

In this issue, we take a deep look at the Easter traditions. Why are you keeping Easter? Is is something you've always done? Examine this issue of The Good News and open your Bible. You might be surprised.
