United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 832.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Darris McNeely
Was Jesus Christ real? What does the evidence say? In spite of what you may have heard, we have compelling historical documentation of His existence. And you need to understand not only that He came, but also why He came!
Beyond Today Magazine
by Peter Eddington
The story of Jesus Christ and His early followers is found in the New Testament. But has this source been faithfully passed on to us? And can we believe what is written? What does the evidence tell us?
Beyond Today Magazine
by Peter Eddington
The story of Jesus Christ and His early followers is found in the New Testament. But has this source been faithfully passed on to us? And can we believe what is written? What does the evidence tell us?
by Cliff Wickman
Twin Cities, MN
These three men are known to have caused problems in the New Testament church. They were among the "false brethren unawares brought in" as Paul describes them in Galatians. We will look at what some early historians add to what the Bible...
by Tim Martens
Northwest Arkansas
Besides the witness of the Bible we can use the research of historians to dispel the myths surrounding Jesus Christ.

Evidence from archaeology is one great proof of biblical accuracy, and it is the focus of this series of articles.

World News and Prophecy
by Mario Seiglie
What happens when key events of history have a connection to Bible prophecy? The result is a better appreciation for God's guiding hand in all of history.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The source of real liberty is from God. It is this liberty that tells the true story of the founding of the United States.
Inside United Podcast
by Darris McNeely, Victor Kubik, Wesley Kerlin
Wes Kerlin, a retired enlisted historian for the military, details WWII history in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, with host Victor Kubik and special guest Darris McNeely during their trip through Asia. (Original...
Bible Questions and Answers
One of the first puzzles people run into in Genesis is, Where did Cain's wife come from?
Good News
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
As reported by the Associated Press, Holocaust survivor and historian Randolph Braham stated Jan. 26, 2014, that he was "returning a high state award to Hungary to protest what he says are government efforts to rewrite history and...
Vertical Thought
by Beyond Today Editor
Who was this Patrick guy, anyway? Known as the patron saint of Ireland, he's an almost mythological figure in the Christian world, with tall tales of his legendary exploits known far and wide.
Good News
by Good News
Although it is difficult to determine the first time anyone celebrated Dec. 25 as Christmas, historians are in general agreement that it was sometime during the fourth century.
by William F. Brown
Atlanta, GA
Are world events a series of unrelated events? Is there any pattern to the rise and fall of empires? In this sermon, Bill Brown, an elder serving in the Atlanta an Buford, GA congregations, discusses how God has acted throughout history...
