Good News Magazine: November - December 2012

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In This Issue

  • by Scott Ashley
Marriage is the building block of families. Families are the building blocks of communities. Communities are the building blocks of society. When marriages and families break down, so do communities and ultimately society and civilization as a whole. We've seen this pattern before, and we're witnessing it again as this bedrock of society increasingly crumbles.
  • by Jerold Aust
Family values are changing dramatically. Television and other forms of media promote wrong values that undermine marital relationships. Who and what is behind this subtle, seductive battle over marriage, and why?
  • by Noel Hornor
Millions of people choose to live together outside of marriage, thinking that will bring them happiness and a stable relationship. The truth, however, is far different. 
  • by Rodney Hall
Western societies are going through many fundamental changes - perhaps none so far-reaching as those pushed by promoters of the gay agenda.
  • by Good News
Rapid acceptance of homosexual lifestyles and same-sex marriage is sweeping many countries around the globe. Many gay rights advocates now feel their movement is an unstoppable global trend.
  • by Good News
Marriage was designed to connect children to a loving relationship with their mother and father, offering stability for them and society at large.
  • by Beyond Today Editor
If you think our culture is bad and quickly growing worse, you're correct. So how can—and should—you start setting things right?
  • by Melvin Rhodes
The former "jewel in the crown" of the British Empire, India is one of Asia's great economic success stories. With economic might comes military might. What lies ahead for this country of over a billion people, other nations in the region and the larger world scene?
  • by Gary Petty
'Tis the season for mistletoe and decorating the tree. But the origins of Christmas may surprise you. Did you know one of the American colonies outlawed observance of this holiday in 1659?
  • by Mario Seiglie, Tom Robinson
Most have taken for granted Jesus' nativity story as commonly related - that when Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem there was no room in an inn so Mary ended up giving birth to Jesus in a stable. But is this the true account in Scripture? See for yourself!
  • by Gary Petty
A survey from the Pew Research Institute reports that 4 out of 10 people in the United States believe that the institution of marriage is obsolete. Are they right? How important is marriage anyway?
  • by Good News
God's way of life—His law—will be the constitution of the new world He will set up. Let's explore what the Bible says about the role of God's law in the peaceful and prosperous Kingdom of God!
  • by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
During early autumn a Wall Street Journal editorial stated: "The Obama Presidency has been an era of slowly building tension and disorder that seems likely to flare into larger troubles and perhaps even military conflict no matter who wins in November. This is the bigger picture . . ." ("The New World Disorder," Sept. 13, 2012).
  • by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
Associated Press journalist Paul Schemm gives a personal account of facing mercenary Muslim extremists: "The bearded gunmen who surrounded the car full of foreign journalists in a northern Syrian village were clearly not Syrians.
  • by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
A London Times analytical report from the United States revealed that "figures from the US Census Bureau suggest that the economic crisis sparked in 2007 has turned the US into an 'hourglass' society, with a shrinking middle class squeezed between the very affluent and the very poor.