United Church of God


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Total results: 29992.
World News and Prophecy
World News and Prophecy
World News and Prophecy
World News and Prophecy
World News and Prophecy
World News and Prophecy
by Fred Nance, John Ross Schroeder
A recent article in Foreign Affairs, titled "The New Population Bomb," shows that one problem with the current population explosion is not so much how many people there will be in the future, but where this increase will be located.
Good News
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
Not long after being appointed U.S. secretary of State, Hillary Clinton flew to China for her first important diplomatic encounter abroad. She emphasized mutual national interests, like trade and climate policy, just as President Barack...
United News
Peter Eddington
World News and Prophecy is seeing impressive increases in circulation from year to year.
World News and Prophecy is seeing impressive increases in circulation from year to year. Circulation for the May 2007 issue was 47,232. Not a lot of advertising has been done for this publication. We have some online ads...
World News and Prophecy
by John Ross Schroeder
Newspaper headlines on both sides of the Atlantic heralded the Irish ratification of the Lisbon Treaty. "Ireland's Yes vote creates a more powerful Europe," said the Scotland on Sunday. The New York Times headline even contained prophetic...
World News and Prophecy
by Fred Nance, John Ross Schroeder
Americans appear to be very edgy these days. According to a Gallup Poll sponsored by USA Today, "Almost three-fourths of them...don't like the way things are going in the country. Given economic deprivation and political division, plus war...
Good News
by Good News
The World in 2010, the 24th edition of The Economist's annual collection of predictions for the upcoming year,pictures Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu as "a prime minister with Iran on his mind." What he reads about Iran in the news today...
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
There are times in world events when God waves His hand over history, and events take place that confound the wise.
