United Church of God


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by Frank McCrady
Dayton, OH
What is the Kingdom of God as described in the Bible, and how will it be established on Earth? How will America and other nations be affected? What does it mean for you and me? How can it change your life? Learn more in this Kingdom of God...
by Randy Stiver
Dayton, OH
In order to embrace the coming Kingdom of God, we need to understand what God is doing and what we need to be doing. God's work continues. Learn more in this Kingdom of God seminar.
United News
Janet Barker
The Dayton Ladies invite you to attend a Women’s Enrichment Weekend near Dayton, Ohio. 
The theme of the weekend is “Living in God’s Perfect Peace.”  Join us this weekend for an opportunity to slow down, surround yourself with positive energy, spend time with one another, and immerse yourself in the peace, calm and...
United News
Peter Eddington
Six events have now been completed in the Beyond Today live series of events titled America: The Time Is Now! Since last October seminars have been held in Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston, Texas; Nashville, Tennessee; Indianapolis,...
Results The event in Nashville, Tennessee, on Sunday, Feb. 21, drew 152 total people, with 45 of those being new guests who were invited to attend via ads in Beyond Today magazine, BT subscriber letters, online...
by Darris McNeely
Indianapolis, IN
Our world is at a turning point. The United States of America is at a crossroads. The future seems uncertain as major events continue to unfold. We have the power of choice in front of us, and we can choose to live by the values,...
by Darris McNeely
Ft. Wayne, IN
Pastor Darris McNeely gives the first presentation in the series of “Kingdom of God Bible Seminars” in which he provides and overview of the Kingdom of God.
by Scott Delamater
Yuma, AZ
We're all looking for meaning and purpose in our lives. In the macro sense, the Kingdom of God is our purpose, the reason why we were created. What do current world events mean in this context? Learn more in this Kingdom of God seminar.
by Scott Moss
Ft. Wayne, IN
Elder Scott Moss gives the second presentation of this “Kingdom of God Bible Seminar,” taking a reporter’s perspective in getting the facts about the Kingdom – answering six questions.
by David Roenspies
Beloit, WI
Why does God allow certain things to happen? This message was given as a Kingdom of God Bible seminar.
by David Roenspies
Beloit, WI
Why does God allow certain things to happen? This message was given as a Kingdom of God Bible seminar.
by Robin Webber
Redlands, CA
Jesus would ask questions to those asking Him questions. What was the message Jesus Christ brought with him? What is the full scope of the return of Jesus Christ? Many live as if it does not matter. The term Kingdom of God is mentioned 86...
by David Meidinger
Yuma, AZ
What does the Bible reveal about what Jesus Himself taught about the Kingdom of God? Why is the Kingdom of God misunderstood by much of Christianity? How should knowledge of God's coming Kingdom affect you and me and how we live our lives...
by John Cafourek
Salem, OR
What is the Kingdom of God and how will it come to this earth?  Where are we now in Bible prophecy?  How will fulfilled prophecy about the Kingdom of God affect you?  This seminar begins a series on the coming Kingdom of God.  It will...
by Charles Melear
Denver, CO
We see the headline news and events, but what we don't see are the true events. We don't see and hear real news; we don't see and hear of the news of religion. Will the time of the Kingdom be news? Learn more in this Kingdom of God seminar...
by Mark Regoord
Buffalo, NY
Kingdom of God Seminar 1: Part 1 What is the Kingdom of God?
United News
David MyersDon Henson
On the Sabbath on March 18, 2006, World News and Prophecy writers and editors came to Akron, Ohio, for a World News and Prophecy Sabbath.
On the Sabbath on March 18, 2006, World News and Prophecy writers and editors came to Akron, Ohio, for a World News and Prophecy Sabbath. The day began with a combined Sabbath service with the Akron, Canton,...
by Mark Regoord
Buffalo, NY
Kingdom of God Seminar 1: Part 2 Why the world needs the Kingdom of God.
by Bob Fahey
Chicago, IL
An introduction to the gospel message that Jesus Christ brought in Mark 1:15, “the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”
by Jonathan Garnant
Los Angeles, CA
The second, in a series of six messages, about the Kingdom of God. This message surveys current world conditions in relation to Bible prophecy, and explains why we need the soon-coming Kingdom of God.
by Frank McCrady
Dayton, OH
Are we ready for the Kingdom of God? How can you be ready? Repent and believe the gospel. The previous Kingdom of God seminar covered repentance. Learn more about believing the gospel in this Kingdom of God seminar.
