United Church of God

Compass Check Magazine

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Compass Check Magazine

Compass Check is a biblically based quarterly magazine for young people of the United Church of God, an International Association (UCGIA) aged 12-19. Our name, Compass Check, describes youth pointing their spiritual compass toward God.

The Goal of Compass Check magazine is to inspire Church youth to respond to the gospel message.

Teens, this magazine is written specifically to you and it is our hope that Compass Check will be encouraging and instructive for you and your family.

We are thankful to have such a dedicated volunteer staff of writers, copy editors and proofreaders.

Compass Check magazine is mailed automatically each quarter to all teens who live in the U.S., ages 12-19. We regret that we cannot offer subscriptions to those who are outside of these parameters. We are on a tight budget for Compass Check magazine but please enjoy the online issues. Each issue is also mailed to all U.S. Church Pastors so it can be displayed in the local church area and used for local teen discussions. Thank you for your understanding.

For questions or comments, please contact us at compasscheck@ucg.org


  • joakdesperado

    How can I sign up for a subscription for Compass Check? I have a teenager who is interested in this publication.