United Church of God

ABC 2013 Welcome Picnic and Orientation Great Successes

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ABC 2013 Welcome Picnic and Orientation Great Successes

It all kicked off with a picnic on Sunday, Aug. 19. Games and get-to-know each other activities were planned and supervised by the alumni, concluding with a country dance and sing-along. The delicious meal of hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, corn on the cob, biscuits and iced tea and a dessert of sarsaparilla floats added to the theme of “Pioneering for Success.” Randy and Linda Stiver and the alumni are to be thanked for their successful efforts with this project.

The following day, Monday, Aug. 20, we opened orientation with a welcome by Gary Antion and a prayer by Peter Eddington. Kathy de Campos and her able volunteer helpers put together a notebook binder with pertinent information for the ABC students. Lanyards in purple and gold (school colors) with “ABC Ambassador Bible Center” on them held the name tags of each of the students and faculty members.

After Mr. Eddington briefly explained the media class he will be teaching and his duties, he was followed in succession by Steve Myers, Darris McNeely, Connie Sipes, Frank McCrady, Aaron Dean, and then a break. Concluding the morning presentations were Randy Stiver, Gary Antion, Chris Stewart and Ken Shoemaker. Each presenter briefly informed the students of the classes they will be presenting and their duties so that they might know what to expect over the next nine months.

The 36 students in attendance listened to UCG president Dennis Luker as he encouraged them to have “Attitude Before Character.” He challenged them to make the choice of having a positive attitude as he explained the difficulties presented by a less-than-desirable attitude. He concluded that we need to have the attitude of Christ (Philippians 2:5-8) with the humility to enable all to grow in knowledge and character.

The students then broke for lunch and an opportunity to fellowship with the home office staff over desserts prepared by Mrs. Sipes.

The afternoon concluded with a tour of the office by Janet Treadway and a meeting with Mr. Shoemaker for those interested in joining the ABC Chorale.

We look forward to another exciting year of teaching and learning from the words of life in God’s Word.