United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 934.
by Joshua Creech
Ft. Wayne, IN
We live in a world that is heavily weighted as Christianity. They are dedicated about getting to church to take communion each week. What is the difference between this weekly communion and the Passover that we take once a year?
by Tim Martens
Northwest Arkansas
The Preamble to the United States Constitution uses action phrases that could well be applied to the coming Kingdom of God.
by Mario Seiglie
Orange County, CA
This is the second part on how to live a godly life by practicing the principles found in the Book of Proverbs.
by Russ DeVilbiss
Beloit, WI
What is the duty of the "ecklesia", or the "Called out ones"?
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
What we will see today is that the patriarchs were not perfect, and should not be idolized or idealized. Just like us, they struggled with their own human weaknesses. Just like us, they struggled against the culture and temptations of...
by Mark Welch
Lawton, OK
The Passover is God's solution for our sin.
by Scott Moss
Ft. Wayne, IN
Elder Scott Moss explores what it means to us as we follow Christ's call to discipleship.
by John Miller
North Canton, OH
Part three of God's Timeline of History: Second Administration of Human Conscience and the Third Administration of Human Government.  
by Gene Taber
Yuma, AZ
We are disciples of Jesus Christ. But what does the word "disciple" mean? What was the rabbi-disciple relationship like when Jesus had His 12 disciples, and what can we learn from it? When we answer these questions we'll have a much...
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
Our relationship with God, our spouses, our children, and each other are of paramount importance to God and us. He is interested in how we treat each other and said that all men will know His disciples by the love (agape) they have for...
by Joshua Creech
Lexington, KY
Excellent sermon on how our comments, whether on the website or person to person, can crush someone. People sometimes come seeking the truth and we have to have a compassionate and loving attitude. Our comments should reflect God's truth...
by Bob Fahey
Chicago, IL
A continuation of Bob Fahey's 35 part bible study series on the book of Revelation
by David Mills
Greensboro, NC
Listen to this sermon to find out what preparations we should be making for the Fall Holy Days so we can be refreshed and walk with God during the year ahead.
by Paul Moody
Kennewick, WA
We should be ordering our time such that we are pursuing the things of God and growing in spiritual wisdom. When we put God first, we'll receive the blessing of God's involvement in our lives. What can you do TODAY to redeem the time?
by Mark Rorem
San Jose, CA
We are taught that accumulation of possessions in and of themselves is not sinful, however do we ever selfishly desire more? Do we ever put this desire ahead of our worship for the Lord? We will explore Biblical examples of greed, and...
by Michael Erickson
Cochrane, Alberta 2020
What do we know today of the office of a king? Kings in God's Kingdom will have real power, but how do we prepare for that position? No stranger or foreigner will reign. We are called and become a seed of Abraham and heir. We must...
by Mark Welch
Seattle, WA
What does it mean to “walk in the spirit”? Walking in the spirit must become a way of life for all of God’s people. Producing the fruit of God’s Spirit is essential for a Christian. We are to be loving; we are to be joyful, we are to be...
by David Dobson
Birmingham, AL
The Book of Jude exhorts Christians to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered. We have the ongoing challenge of holding fast to what we have been given. This sermon discusses the importance of repentance, teamwork, respect,...
by Tim McMaster
Colorado Springs, CO
As we study the Bible and learn what God's word says, it becomes apparent to us that God is consistent.  We see that He has a plan that is consistent from Genesis to Revelation. We also learn that God uses the physical to teach us...

Welcome to our website! We are a church that strives to live by every Word of God, Matthew 4: 4. We follow the teachings of God our Father and His dear Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus set the standard for us so we strive to honor, obey and love both His Father and Himself. We follow God in worshipping on the Sabbath, as He instructed, Exodus 20: 8-11.

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