United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 51480.
World News and Prophecy
by Rodney Hall
Millions of beleaguered and traumatized inhabitants of Japan are still struggling to come to terms with a staggering disaster—the world's costliest thus far. What is the fallout? And what can the Bible tells us about such calamities?
by Edmond Macaraeg
There is a substantial error in the common use of the term "acts of God." Why?
by Larry Walker
As a worried world watches, an all-out partisan political battle rages regarding the debt dilemma that threatens financial disaster for this nation and could send shock waves throughout the world. Because financial markets are all affected...
by Jeremy Lallier
There are plenty of sources of depressing news. But where can you find good, hopeful news to inspire and encourage you?
by Edmond Macaraeg
If the scientists are correct concerning the magnitude of the future calamities that they are predicting, no human organization, government or system will be able to rescue all of us. Their predictions are very similar to what the Bible...
by Larry Walker
The devastating triple-tragedy of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown has the world on high alert. People are stocking up on iodine pills to help ensure safety from radiation. But is there another, more effective form of protection...
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
A massive amount of aid is pouring into the Caribbean nation of Haiti in the aftermath of a 7.0 earthquake. History has neglected this poor nation. Beyond this present tragedy, what is the best way forward?
United News
Let us be in “one accord,” dedicated to living God's truth, and proclaiming it to the world.
From the President . . . Greetings brethren, I hope Pentecost and last Sabbath were uplifting, spiritually rewarding and energizing for everyone. My wife, Deborah, and I had the pleasure of spending last Sabbath...
by David Treybig
The world's financial markets are currently experiencing troubled waters in what, for the most part in recent years, has been pretty smooth sailing. Following years of substantial annual increases in investment values, a market correction...
by Howard Davis
Massive natural, environmental and economic disasters have defined the first half of 2011. Bible prophecy identifies events like these as one of the identifying signs of the end times. Where will all these things lead?
