United Church of God


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Total results: 49556.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Jerold Aust
Millions send Valentine’s Day cards to express their affection for someone special. But how did this holiday originate? And does Valentine’s Day represent what true love is all about?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Should Christians keep Valentine's Day?
Good News
by Jerold Aust
Millions send Valentine’s Day cards to express their affection for someone special. But how did this holiday originate? And does Valentine’s Day represent what true love is all about?
by Beyond Today Editor
Chalk it up to my never having observed Valentine’s Day, but most years the holiday comes and goes without really registering with my brain. But this year, there’s a huge cultural event in America happening concurrent with Valentine’s Day
Good News
by Gary Petty
On February 14 millions of people exchange tokens and messages of love and affection. Where and how did the curious customs of Valentine's Day begin? Does God have anything to say about such practices? 
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Here's five tongue-in-cheek reasons not to celebrate Valentine's Day. But can you find another?
by Mike Phelps
Petaluma, CA
Speaker: Mike Phelps Date: 2/10/24 With the origins of Valentine's Day well understood and with the popularity of the holiday, a question often arises: should a Christian celebrate Valentine's Day? As God created love and is love, God...
by United Church of God
In this Teen Bible Study Guide, we’ll discuss the origins of Valentine’s Day and examine what God says about it.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
What difference does it make if I celebrate St. Valentine's Day?
by David D Schreiber
Southern Minnesota
Just where did the curious customs of Valentine’s Day come from? What is the origin of this holiday and should Christians observe it? This sermon reviews the origins of this day in history and reviews scripture as to what the...
by Ronald A. Bell
Buffalo, NY
How this day came to be and should we celibate it?
by David D Schreiber
La Crosse, WI
Feb 14th - What's really so bad about Valentines Day Where did the curious customs begin? Does God have anything to say about such practices? Merchandising This is nothing new, it has been going on a ling time. The business owners...
