United Church of God


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Total results: 59365.
by Jerold Aust
Panama City Beach, Florida 2012
In the morning service on the 8th Day of the Feast, commonly referred to as the Last Great Day, Mr. Aust, the Panama City Feast Coordinator, covers the important meaning of this epic period in God's Plan and how the White Throne Judgment ...
by Jonathan Garnant
Los Angeles, CA
We are all on a journey of faith into the Kingdom of God. This sermon, based primarily on the book of Hebrews and given immediately after the fall holy days, expounds on the past, present and future meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles and...
by Darris McNeely
Bakersfield, CA
Understanding the meaning of the 8th Day is a wonderful gift. We can have great comfort in knowing that all who have lived will have the opportunity for everlasting life in God's family. With every festival observance, we should continue...
by Rainer Salomaa
Drumheller, Alberta 2018
God’s grace is most revealed through the meaning of the 8th day. It is God’s desire to extend grace to all people. It is only by receiving and responding to grace they can achieve salvation. Grace and salvation come only through Christ....
by Rex Sexton
Bend, Oregon 2015
One of the greatest questions of all time is: What will happen to the billions of unsaved? The meaning of the Eighth Day reveals God's plan for these billions of people.
by Richard Kennebeck
Jekyll Island, Georgia 2023
God’s Kingdom is the Treasure all His children seek. The Holy Days provide a treasure map to God’s gift of salvation for all peoples. In this message we review the meaning of the 8th Day Holy Day and its meaning for humanity.
by Anthony Wasilkoff
Branson, Missouri 2012
The Eighth Day itself is mysterious and it's meaning is something that only God and His word can reveal to us.
by Rick Beam
Panama City Beach, Florida 2022
Is there a case? Or is it just a fable –a fantasy of wishful thinking? Why is an 8th Day mentioned in Leviticus 23? We’ll investigate the doctrine of the 8th Day. We’ll build the case, and we’ll build it on the facts.
by Steven Shafer
Burlington, WA
This is a study of the Hebrew calendar, the calendar used by God's Church to calculate Holy time and festivals - Part 8.
by Nathan Ekama
Pewaukee, Wisconsin 2022
If ever there was a day to celebrate, the Eighth Day is it. - The culmination of God's plan as we know it. It shows that God is loving, that He is fair, that His plan includes everyone – all things that we learn through walk with Him....
United News
Philip Aust
The 3rd Annual UCG Atlanta Ski Trip is scheduled this year for Sunday, February 8, at Ober Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
The UCG Atlanta and Buford, Georgia congregations will again be sponsoring the annual UCG Atlanta Ski Trip in Gatlinburg, Tennessee on February 8th (Sunday). We invite those in your area to participate.  Cost We have...
by Gary Petty
Murfreesboro, TN
On the surface, the 8th commandment is an easy thing to understand, but as with many of God's laws there are layers of meaning.
by Dan Preston
Charlotte, NC
God's Holy Days are an outline of His plan for humanity. In this sermon, we will review the meaning of the Feast of Trumpets, Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, and the 8th Day. In addition, we will review our future roles in God's plan,...
by Jorge de Campos
Lexington, KY
Excellent Message on the Last Great Day - the 8th day. The meaning of the day - it is a Sacred Assembly.
by Jerold Aust
Panama City Beach, Florida 2023
Following the glorious Feast of Tabernacles, God has prepared an 8th day of the Feast, which is both a separate and distinct Feast. It reveals the resurrection and day of salvation for multi-billions of people who never knew God....
by Steve Myers
Cincinnati East, OH
The Holy Days represent the tremendous meaning of God’s plan of salvation. Completing the observance of the Feast of Tabernacles and 8th day doesn’t end the symbolism of what comes next. This sermon discusses that future time when all...
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
God as pictured in the 8th Day has a plan not just to bring mankind into His eternal family but also to bring Himself joy for all eternity. This message looks at what the 8th day pictures from the perspective of our loving eternal Father...
by Rainer Salomaa
Kelowna, British Columbia 2010
In this message we examine the gift of grace as it is revealed to us through the 8th day.
by Roland Clark
San Diego, CA
Clark completes his 8th Day message, mostly emphasizing numerous future fulfilments of the 8th Day.
by Frank Fish
Galveston, Texas 2016
The rich meaning of the 8th Day comes out from reading the scriptures pointing to how God intends to all people from all ages to have a proper chance to choose to believe and live with God for eternity.
