United Church of God

Are You a Great Christian?

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Are You a Great Christian?

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Are You a Great Christian?

MP3 Audio (13.84 MB)

To become a great Christian, you have to become a servant.

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  • Norbert Z
    Gary elaborates on the story of Epaphroditus, concidering a recent poll on the main webpage of this site, in my view it is also another name that is also hard to pronounce. Scripture records his service to Paul but I find it hard to relate. Looking at two rather different translations, which one more accurately reflects what is happenning? Phil 2:30 AKJV "Because for the work of Christ he was near to death, not regarding his life, to supply your lack of service toward me." Phil 2:30 NET "since it was because of the work of Christ that he almost died. He risked his life so that he could make up for your inability to serve me." Were they inable to serve Paul's needs or were they lacking in serving Paul? Either way concidering many if not most of today's elders and congreations, let's take Gary and an average congretation as a light hearted example. Who is "near to death" in their relationship to their elder within the Church nowadays? Looking at Gary, myself and many of us, that doesn't seem to be the problem. I just find it hard to relate how that example extends to today's situation in becoming a great Christian.
  • Depenney
    Thank you. Excellent Job. Humility is essential to becoming a true Christian and your sermon certainly explained the way to true service.
  • KARS
    No. I am just me working and searching scriptures to understand why, how, and what I am suppose to be doing.
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