United Church of God


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Total results: 57426.
by Ellis La Ravia
Phoenix East, AZ
Even as Christ was about His Father's business during the entire time He was in the flesh on this earth,  so are we to follow in Christ’s footsteps and be about our Father's business.  We are called for this  very purpose even as Christ...
by Ellis La Ravia
Tucson, AZ
The years of our physical employment and their impact only last during our lifetimes. But when God calls, we are to be about our Father's business for the remainder of our lives, eventually our eternal lives. Although our personal...
by Bob Orosz
Tampa, FL
What we do today will have a return on investment in the future. How can your talents be used to assist God's Work and others on a daily basis?
by Aaron Dean
Cincinnati East, OH
Jesus Christ was God's son from the moment of conception. That is why, even at the age of 12, he said "I must be about my father's business. We can understand this through the conception of our own children through the father and mother...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this personal from the president, Victor Kubik discusses the experience of Mary finding the empty tomb—and Jesus's profoundly marvelous declaration that has broad implications for all humans on earth. He also reflects on the ways in...
Being About Our Father’s Business What should be our focus today? During the Days of Unleavened Bread festival in A.D. 31, the resurrected Jesus Christ delivered a profoundly special message to Mary Magdalene, one that is of utmost...
by Ben Light
Salem, OR
In the last message, we saw that there are individuals within the business world that can be identified as givers and takers. Givers are more concerned with what they can provide the other individuals whom they interact with, while takers...
by David Jones
Colorado Springs, CO
God's Holy Days all show His ultimate plan of salvation for mankind. His plan will come about by healing the hearts and minds of all who have ever lived. This is also the ministry that His people have been called into. In this message, we...
United News
Clyde Kilough
I am happy to announce that we are launching two new tools that will improve our ability to communicate to the entire Church.
First, we are launching a new Web site specifically for members of the United Church of God—members.ucg.org. This will help us make our Web site, UCG.org, a better "first contact" tool for the general public and give us a new location to...
United News
United News
"The new page looks awesome. You guys (and gals) are at the top of your game! Thanks for all you do for the brethren!" A member in Columbia, Maryland, sent this comment after checking out the new members.ucg.org Web site.
So far there have been over 7,000 visitors (as of Nov. 28) to the members' Web site since it went live Nov. 1. The first four About Our Father's Business videos have been viewed over 8,500 times. "We are...
by Brent Erekson
Albuquerque, NM
Jesus said, “I must be about my Father’s business” (Luke 2:49). Following his example, so must we. God’s Word tells us how we can do just that.
by Robin Webber
North Canton, OH
Let us revolve around our Father’s business, about being a pilgrim. Let us remember this night of the feast going forward and relish the fact that eternity is not a destination, but a way of traveling with the songs of the pilgrims.
United News
Victor Kubik
In this personal from the president, Victor Kubik shares commentary on recent events and encourages readers to view their world from a biblical perspective—looking above human politics even as they affect the world around us. He also...
Being About Our Father’s Business Continues . . . What a week and beginning of a new secular year! Just when many were breathing a sigh of relief from the most tumultuous year in recent history, the events of Jan. 6 rushed the United...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Often things in life don't happen in a straight line, there are twists and turns... but God's word can keep up on the straight and narrow.
United News
by David Fenney
As humans, we can never fully comprehend God’s love, although it is our duty and joy to strive to understand it better and better. It is our duty and joy to increasingly internalize that same love and exercise it toward God and toward one...
by Daniel Deininger
Spokane, WA
If we can be filled with Christ, we won’t sin. Christ was in control His entire life, including during His suffering on Passover. We need to be content, focused on the big picture, be absolutely confident in God, and be about our Father’s...
by Braden Veller
Ft. Myers, FL
We need to avoid counterfeit religions, stay the course and be about our Father's business. But to do that, we need to be alert to Satan's devices and his desire to divide God's church.
by Roy Holladay
Chattanooga, TN
God is preparing us as a faithful assistant who is willing to serve. We should be about our Father's business. Matthew 25:34
by Raymond F Stapp
Lexington, KY
Join us for this video Sermon on the mind of Christ. This sermon looks at scriptures that speak to what Jesus Christ was thinking , and being about His Fathers business.
by John Paul Jones
Nashville, TN
Wake up! Don't be lethargic! Don't waste your precious time. Life is short. Don't be lukewarm. Recapture that first-love attitude. Stir up the Spirit of God within you. John Paul Jones admonishes us all to wake up and be about our Father's...
