United Church of God


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Total results: 60334.
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
The mercy and compassion of God are the beginning of our salvation from death and expectation of life everlasting. Mercy is essential to the emotional makeup of the living God... who desires that His children be merciful as well.
What Does the Bible Teach About Grace?
by United Church of God
People often think of God’s grace in terms of His mercy—His showing of compassion and particularly His forgiveness of sins through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Yet God’s grace involves far more than this—indeed, all of His good gifts to...
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
The “kindness” referred to in Galatians 5:22 can be understood as: help, service, generosity, assistance, even words, rendered to another person not in accordance with what they deserve or have earned but as an active expression of mercy...
Compass Check
by Steve Nutzman
I don’t know how you’ll answer this question, but my answer is a resounding “yes.” I have felt this way many times in my life. I’ve had to deal with my emotions in this regard.
What Does the Bible Teach About Grace?
by United Church of God
The Bible describes sin as the deadly enemy of all mankind (Romans 6:23). Our corrupted human nature has a powerful compulsion to sin (Romans 8:7). But to receive God’s gift of eternal life, we must forsake sin—a process the Bible calls...
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
How do we look at mercy when it comes to us versus other people? To accept God’s mercy and refuse to give mercy to others, means God will withdraw His mercy from you. Let’s examine stories of mercy that we can learn from.
Beyond Today
by Roy Fouch
God's mercy is one of his most endearing qualities. As his children, three ways we can practice mercy are providing physically for our fellow man, comforting those who need it and forgiving others who wrong us out of love.
by Dan Dowd
Milwaukee, WI
A look at what grace is and how we are to grow in it.
Beyond Today
by Don Hooser
Should religion make one more merciful or less merciful? By looking at the attitudes and actions of many religious people around the world, one would conclude less merciful!
by Kelly Irvin
Northwest Arkansas
The U.S., in order to be freed from the rule of the Crown declared independence, believing all men have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What does God claim to be our rights, and what should be the nature of the...
by Micah Gunn
Jesus Himself told His followers: You are the light of the world. What does “being a light” actually mean, and what does it not mean?
What Does the Bible Teach About Grace?
by United Church of God
The best way to understand grace may be to see it in action. In the life of Jesus Christ we have a perfect example of grace to follow and show in our lives.
Compass Check
by Dan Preston
Why doesn’t God always answer our prayers for those who are suffering and in need of a miracle?
by Howard Marchbanks
Redlands, CA
There is a wise saying in Proverbs, given by Solomon. "Hatred stirs up strife: but love covers all sins." How is it that “love” can cover sin? What is love? Is it an emotion? Is it something we feel? Is it an action? Is it proactive? Is...
by Donald Ward
Cincinnati East, OH
What does the grace of God mean?
by Craig Scott
Raleigh, NC
Grace is the foundation of how God deals with you every day of your life. The grace of God is the Spirit in which He pursues His ongoing work of calling you out of this world and bringing you along each step of the way into His family.
by Ron Davenport
Huntsville, AL
In Hosea 2, we see the story of our lives. We render our lives forfeit through our carnal rejection of God. But the nature of God is one of extreme compassion and love. As with the prophetic story of God and his love for Israel, he has...
