United Church of God


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Total results: 40673.
by David Mörker
Twin Cities, MN
The message emphasizes Jesus Christ's teachings from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) as a blueprint for living a life consistent with the Kingdom of God. It emphasizes the importance of embodying qualities such as humility,...

Simply irresistible unleavened cheesecake with a delicious key lime blend of flavor! A treat you will be sure to come back for a second helping.

by Neil Crane
East Texas
If you asked, most people would probably summarize the golden rule as "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." But is that all there is to it? In this message we'll look at both what the golden rule is and isn't. Then we'll...
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Michael Erickson
Feast Site Region: 
Site Full: Register for Waitlist Drumheller, Alberta Come and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles in the unique badlands setting of Drumheller, Alberta. COVID-19 restrictions permitting, we plan to provide many fellowship...
by Robin Webber
Las Vegas, NV
A righteous God (Psa. 145:17-21) gave laws to a people designated to be righteous before the nations (Deut. 4:6-9) so as to magnify Him and serve them well. This message takes simply one of His laws involving human relationships that can...
by Stephen Tuck
Phoenix East, AZ
From cover to cover we see a Golden Lampstand with seven oil lamps referenced in the Bible. We will explore the meaning of the Golden Lampstand and the applicability for us today.
by Gary Smith
Houston, TX
The golden rule was once a core value of our society, but sadly this is no longer true. Mr. Smith points out that this rule is based on Jesus' statement in Matthew 7:12. But the last part of the verse was left out of the rule. The NLT...
by Donald Ward
Galveston, Texas 2023
Christ gave messages to each of the seven churches mentioned in Revelation 2 and 3. Those messages contain significant instruction for as members of the church. Dr. Donal Ward reviews these important teachings in this Bible Study.
by Robert D Cupp
San Jose, CA
Israel and Judah went into captivity because of their rebellion and idolatry. Our country today is going down the same path. Five principles are presented which can help us remove the idols, golden calves, from our lives.
by Rick Beam
Panama City Beach, Florida 2022
Whether of Solomon’s time or the time ahead under Jesus Christ’s rule, what keeps an age “Golden”? What is the central factor? In this message, we’ll take a close look at the most crucial issue.
This Is The Way
by Robert H Berendt
What can be golden amidst the aches and pains of old age?
by Mike Greider
Northern Virginia
The Golden Circle helps explain that how you value others is at the heart of the 6th commandment.
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Grant Chick
Feast Site Region: 
The Feast of Tabernacles in southeast Asia will, once again, be held on the tropical island of Penang, Malaysia. We are very excited to announce a new venue for the Feast at the Shangri-La Resorts, situated on the water’s edge at Batu...
Good News
by Lisa Damour
Being a preschool teacher is an opportunity to see the childlike nature God desires of us at work.
by Jerry Burnhauser
Lehigh Valley, PA
There is much we should learn from the golden calf, one of the great failings of God’s chosen people.
by Jay Ledbetter
Kingsport, TN
The Golden Rule -while it may be one of the most frequently quoted parts in the Bible, it may also be the most misquoted. A close look at this 'rule' reveals that it demands much more from a Christian than most believe. Discover in this...
by Jay Ledbetter
Knoxville, TN
Continuing the study of Luke 6, we study verses 27-35 to see how to better fulfill the love you neighbor better.
Bible Questions and Answers
Where does the Bible talk about the Golden Rule, and what does it mean for Christians today?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Just three words summarizes the conviction of Daniel's friends. What can we learn from this amazing story?
by Arthur Morris
North Canton, OH
Few understand the significance of the golden dream of the United States and what it meant to mankind, who's history for the last 6,000 years was drudgery and slavery to the un-elect few. Since July 4, 1776 upon the signing of the...
