United Church of God


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Total results: 51296.
by Randy D'Alessandro
Beloit, WI
In July, America celebrates her national independence and her freedoms. However, we must never forget the freedoms God gives us through his law. This sermon will examine Commandments 4 through 6 of the Ten Commandments and document the...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The source of real liberty is from God. It is this liberty that tells the true story of the founding of the United States.
by Randy D'Alessandro
Chicago, IL
In July, America celebrates her national independence and her freedoms. However, we must never forget the freedoms God gives us through his law. This sermon will examine Commandments 4 through 6 of the Ten Commandments and document the...
by Randy D'Alessandro
Beloit, WI
In July, America celebrates her national independence and her freedoms. However, we must never forget the freedoms God gives us through His law. This sermon will examine Commandments 7 through 10 of the ten Commandments and document the...
by Randy D'Alessandro
Chicago, IL
In July, America celebrates her national independence and her freedoms. However, we must never forget the freedoms God gives us through His law. This sermon will examine Commandments 7 through 10 of the Ten Commandments and document the...
by Ed Dowd
Wichita, KS
Are we free? Doing we truly seek liberty or freedom? Christ brings freedom to us, but do we keep getting ourselves tangled up in the bondage and yoke of sin? We need to continue in the Law of Liberty and not be forgetful of the freedom and...
Good News
by David Treybig
In the wake of the tragedy at Columbine High School, people naturally try to determine who is to blame in an effort to prevent future tragedies. After all, something went dreadfully wrong. At stake in the raging debate over culpability is...
by Michael Arritt
Portsmouth, OH
Are we prepared for the price of freedom? Jesus Christ gave all. If there was ever a time that we need Christ in our lives, now is that time. Now we must ask, what will we do with this freedom?
by Kevin Call
Portsmouth, OH
"We Remember" goes hand in hand with "Never Forget". This has been the theme for America especially since 911. We have the right and privilege to enjoy freedom because of the soldiers who fought and gave their lives. There is a purpose....
by Gary Petty
Nashville, TN
Four aspects of the liberty we receive when we partake in the New Covenant, and live Jesus Christ's life in us. Given on the Last Day of Unleavened Bread 2020.
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
I would bet the news of the Christmas day attack on the Northwest Airlines jet bound for Detroit took some time to register and sink in with most people.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
A day to give thanks and remember the blessings of God.
by John Elliott
Cincinnati East, OH
This sermon will analyze, from a very serious perspective, what type or brand of freedom that we celebrate.
by Len Martin
Columbus, OH
In the Bible we read about God repeatedly warning Israel not forget His presence in their lives, including bringing them out of bondage in Egypt. We have been brought out of bondage by God calling us out of the ways of the world. Today we...
United News
by Jim Franks
"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" This was the conclusion to a...
by Jim Ford
Albuquerque, NM
Indeed we do have relative freedom today. This will allow us to ask some important questions of ourselves. Some of our conclusions may not be comfortable or pleasant, yet, I remind you, freedom has a price!
