United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 45863.
United News
by Randy Stiver
How do we define the kind of preaching that has been the practice of God's prophets, apostles and Church down through time?
by Roy Holladay
Cincinnati East, OH
As God’s chosen people—the elect of God—we have been called to a special commission to preach His gospel. In our day and age we have vast opportunities to make this message known around the world. In light of recent personnel changes, we...
by Jim Tuck
Petaluma, CA
Speaker: Jim Tuck 4/25/20 As we fast in this time of international crisis due to the coronavirus how will you respond? Our time is now to break the cycle of humanity and raise the bar in our own spiritual commitment to prepare for the...
by Robin Webber
Cincinnati East, OH
Other than personal salvation, there is possibly no more vital biblical perspective than our collective role of preaching the gospel. To fully understanding this will direct where you place your life's energies and your devotion.
by Lincoln Marini
Orange County, CA
This message will help people understand why it’s very important to plant and water spiritual seeds in their community with suggestions on how to do it using passive and non-confrontational activities.
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
The Church of God is committed to preaching the gospel. The commission we have been given in Matthew 24:13-15 (NKJV) "But he who endures to the end shall be saved. {14} "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as...
by Michael Arritt
Roanoke, VA
We have been given a commission to go into the world and preach the gospel. What does God's word say about the gospel? A study of the message Christ preached as well as messages preached by prophets of God.
by Larry Walker
Central Oregon
Time is of the essence because our world today is waning—coming to its end before that new world begins. We are privileged to live at the turning point of an epoch, at the crossroads of history! This new world will be lovingly governed as...
United News
by John LaBissoniere
Jesus Christ came to earth for a profound purpose—part of which was to call a group of disciples and begin His Church (Matthew 16:18). But why did Jesus form His Church and what was to be its mission? And why did God call you into His...
United News
During his first busy month as president, Clyde Kilough took the time to answer the following questions:
United News: What is your vision for the Church in terms of what you will focus on accomplishing over the next three to five years? Clyde Kilough: The short-term vision is no different than...
United News
by David Mills
Do we recognize the great spiritual harvest going on today, which will get much larger when Jesus returns, and remember to pray for more workers?
by Steve Myers
Cincinnati East, OH
Are we ever done preaching the Gospel? What is the Everlasting Gospel talked about in Revelation 14:6? What is our role and the role of this angel?
by Dan Preston
Charlotte, NC
You might know who John the Baptist was, but do you know what he did? More than eating locusts and being beheaded, John the Baptist paved the way for the coming of Jesus Christ. From this example, we can learn much about what we should...
by Craig Scott
Jacksonville, NC
What differs in lives worthy of the gospel is the ethic/motivation. No longer should we view status, honors, or roles as opportunities for self-glory, ego boosting, or material gain. Rather, we should view whatever status or honor we are...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Satan the devil strongly influences religion by making his corrupt teachings seem correct. Don’t be deceived.
by Andy Diemer
Vero Beach, FL
Our mission is "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). The Spirit of God guides the Church in this work, and we all have a part in it. The effectiveness of our message depends on each of us.
United News
by Will McLoughlin
How can the 21st-century Church preach the true gospel effectively?
