United Church of God


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Total results: 55638.
by Brent Fogelson
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
Seeking the Kingdom of God first is a mindset that gives us clarity, direction, and freedom from many of the worries of this world.
by Stephen Bouchette
Cleveland, OH
Through our unique personal stories, God has great plans for us both now and in the future. Let’s examine three ways in which keeping this vision can benefit us and help us work for Him and serve each other. We can also use the words of...
by Rick Shabi
Orlando, FL
We all remember and loved the game of "hide and seek" when we were growing up or playing with our kids. There's a lot children learn from "hide and seek." There's much we as God's children can learn when we look at "hide" and "seek" in...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Do we strive to seek God's Kingdom above all else?
by brian hall
Columbus, GA
Despite the many distractions in life, we are to seek first the Kingdom of God and set the proper example before me.
by Steve Buchanan
El Paso, TX
Jesus said to seek the Kingdom of God. How can we effectively seek God's kingdom today? Here are three keys to actively seeking the Kingdom of God.
by Mark Kasperson
Hartford, CT
Man has lost his moral compass. We have been called to be members of the Kingdom of God. Let us review 3 steps to fulfilling the command to Seek First the Kingdom of God.
by Scott Gjesvold
Twin Cities, MN
Likely a memory scripture, Proverbs 3:5 says Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And lean not on your own understanding. It relates closely to what we read in Matthew 6. It is about God-reliance instead of self-reliance. We all had a...
by Jorge de Campos
Some of the true signs that we are seeking the Kingdom of God first
by Barry Howdeshell
Little Rock, AR
Sermon by Barry Howdeshell.  Sometimes we lose track of our priorities or get distracted by other things going on in our lives.  We are living at the end of the age and we need to make sure that we don't lose our focus on what is important...
by Fred Nance
Jonesboro, AR
We should always do things in order of importance in our lives, especially spiritual. What do we put first in our lives? We as disciples of Jesus Christ should be seeking God as the highest priority in our lives. This message examines...
by Donald Turgeon
Indianapolis, IN
Elder Don Turgeon examines the concept that we live within two kingdoms. First, desire the Kingdom of God and diligently spend our time and energy on that Kingdom to come, now. Pursue peace and edify others by actively applying ourselves...
by Gary Antion
Cincinnati East, OH
How can you maintain your focus on God's Kingdom after the Feast of Tabernacles - while waiting several months for the next Holy Day? Keep your focus by seeking God's kingdom and God's righteousness.
by Mario Seiglie
Orange County, CA
Why is it important to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness? The first five reasons are given here in Part One of a two-part series.
by Mario Seiglie
Orange County, CA
The early beginning of the New World (later to become these United States) started with European pilgrims seeking freedom from religious oppression. It was harsh living in those early years in the 17th century. Yet, God provided for them...
by Fred Nance
Jonesboro, AR
This Bible study examines our need to always keep our focus on the Kingdom. Seek first the Kingdom and pray God’s Kingdom come.
by Joe Dobson
Kansas City, KS
Jesus spoke of a wide gate and a narrow gate. Only the narrow gate will lead to life in God's Kingdom.
United News
by Rick Shabi
If we actively “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness,” and “seek first to understand, then to be understood” we will be going a long way in doing God’s will for us. 
by Gary Mazzei
Branson, Missouri 2014
Those who answer the call of God now will receive a special blessing of being the Bride of Christ.  It is the Bride of Christ that has the opportunity to assist Christ in bringing many more sons and daughters into the divine family of God...
by Shawn Cortelyou
Elkhart, IN
Through the good and bad times our focus must always be to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. The Bible is filled with examples to learn from.
