United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 48497.
by Matt Earles
Lehigh Valley, PA
God often uses times of tragedy to turn people to him. Ultimately in the future it will take complete devastation for the world to wake up and acknowledge him as our creator.
by Stuart Fricke
Kennewick, WA
The 4th Commandment is far greater in meaning than "don't work". The Sabbath is holy time, and was a spiritual creation. It points back to the Creation and also foreshadows the Rest that will take place at Christ's return. We have the...
by Rex Spears
San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Our perspective on the Holy Days is quite different from how the rest of the world sees them.
by Frank Fish
Bakersfield, CA
The largest single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust occurred on October 7, 2023. That day has been described as Israel's September 11th and Pearl Harbor, combined and magnified. Our pastor, Frank Fish, was the tour director for the...
by Ken Martin
Columbus, GA
A new look at the 8th commandment.
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
God as pictured in the 8th Day has a plan not just to bring mankind into His eternal family but also to bring Himself joy for all eternity. This message looks at what the 8th day pictures from the perspective of our loving eternal Father...
by James Ginn
Jacksonville, FL
Much is said about perspective taking, but do we ever apply this concept to our relationship with God and how we interpret His instructions to us? What does Christianity look like when we take God's perspective?
by Stephen de Campos
Dallas, TX
Shortly after September 11th as a result of the terrorist attacks, the president of the United States directed security teams to carry out a very specific mission, the country's top security priority. Gradually this mission lost broad...
by William Bradford
Beloit, WI
The Fall Holy Days provide hope and understanding to God's people. Through the Holy Day season in the seventh month of each year, we are reminded of the greatness of God's purpose and plan. God's purpose, stated throughout scripture is...
Beyond Today Magazine

October 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of a major turning point in world history—the beginning of the Protestant Reformation when the German priest/professor Martin Luther challenged several Catholic teachings and practices.

by Jon Davies
Buford, GA
In a split-sermon two days before the Feast of Trumpets, Jon Davies discusses the details of the physical signs that God will pour out on the earth during the 6th Seal of Revelation, in advance of the return of Jesus Christ.
by Andy Lee
Cleveland, OH
In this Sermon message, Mr. Lee discusses an important perspective regarding the message behind the Day of Atonement. God offers the entire human race redemption. Here are some lessons we can learn.
United News
Peter Eddington
A new Jelly production is underway, recorded by the media team in July in the Beyond Today television studio sound stage.
Due to be released in September, the new production is titled, “Jelly Learns There’s Nothing That God Can’t Do.” In this video Jelly asks: “What does God look like? How old is He? Does He sleep? Eat? Can God see me in the dark? Does He...
by Gary Beam
Birmingham, AL
The 5th Seal represents religious persecution and martyrdom of the saints during the Great Tribulation. And the 6th Seal opens with great cosmic disturbances to happen, as God begins to ready judgements to follow.
by Ken Loucks
Spokane Valley, Washington 2023
“This 8th day message provides a personal perspective on the second resurrection. We’ve all lost someone we love who was not converted and, whether they know it or not, they are counting on us to be there for them when they finally...
by Ken Skorseth
Fargo, ND
The annual Feast of Trumpets has great meaning as it leads us to focus on many references to trumpets in the bible. This sermon focuses on the time leading up to Christ's return when seven trumpets will sound. The seventh trumpet...
by Greg Thomas
North Canton, OH
There are two perspectives on the Feast of Trumpets: that of the world, and that of God’s saints. What is the difference in perspective between those who are God’s compared to those of this world?
Beyond Today Magazine
by Scott Ashley
Isaiah 55:6-7 tells us: “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him . . .” Seek mercy...
by David Dobson
Birmingham, AL
This sermon discusses the historical roots of the conflict between Islam and the Western World. Several caliphates have arisen since the time of Muhammad that ruled over vast areas of the Middle East, northern Africa and parts of Europe....
by Shawn Cortelyou
Elkhart, IN
We have a wonderful hope that we see in God's Holy Days of the 7th Month. Will we be ready to keep the upcoming Fall Festivals of God?
