United Church of God


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Total results: 50490.
by Ted Budge
Chewelah, WA
Servant leadership stands in sharp contrast to the authoritarian leadership practiced by many. Christ was and is a servant leader. As disciples of His, we should be developing the characteristics of servant leaders as well. Servant leaders...
by Joe Dobson
Branson, Missouri 2017
Seven qualities of leadership that Jesus showed us that apply to ruling in the Kingdom.
by Mark Kasperson
Hartford, CT
Christ shows us his vision of Servant Leadership through His own example. It will change the world for eternity. Don't we want to be part of that? What does He want us to do and how do we practice it?
by Joe Camerata
Phoenix East, AZ
Something not to forget as so many fumble through the Bible.  Christ is our perfect example of servant leadership and how we ought to serve.
by Denny Luker
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Christ is our example for serving others.
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
Jesus Christ set a powerful example of leading by serving. Paul's personal letter to Philemon demonstrates using godly principles to lead others. We can learn how to lead and be led by studying this epistle.
United News
by Clyde Kilough
This article poses questions that can take a lifetime to answer. But thinking about these questions is a key step in becoming like Christ.
Good News
by Jerold Aust
People often equate a leader with good leadership. While history is filled with poor leadership, there are positive examples to learn from—among them Abraham Lincoln and the greatest leader of all time.
United News
Mark Welch
During Labor Day weekend (Aug. 30-Sept. 2), 27 participants from six countries (Australia, Canada, Chile, Germany, United Kingdom and United States) met in Cincinnati for our 18th annual Leadership Workshop. Friday evening, all...
On the Sabbath, we had a modified Sabbath service and Bible study with hymns and presentations by Darris McNeely and Steve Myers. Mr. McNeely began the day with the theme of the conference, “A Leader Is First a Disciple.” He stressed the...
by Joe Camerata
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
The importance of having compassion in our Christian walk.
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
A great and horrible lie has taken root in our society... the lie is this: "human life has no purpose". That we are not created beings with a great destiny to fulfill. We are a highly improbable accident that came about by a series of...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
What lessons can we learn as Christians celebrating the Fourth of July in the United States of America? What opportunities and blessings has God provided through the founding of this country - and the example of George Washington's servant...
United News
by Angie Wilson
Principles of effective Christ-like leadership can be gleaned from the relationship between a horse and its master.
by Joe Dobson
Steamboat Springs, Colorado 2021
Christ will rule this earth with care, gentleness and love as He begins to reign over all nations. Servant leadership is the way God expects us to learn now as we are in training to serve under Christ in His Kingdom. Leading out of love...
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
You have not been freed from bondage so you may be free to do as you please. You have been brought out of, sin… and placed into God’s Church.
