United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 38603.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Scott Ashley
The warning signs of the gathering storm are becoming more obvious by the day. But far too many people despise God’s Word and trust in lies.
World News and Prophecy
by Graemme Marshall
Canaries were once used to warn miners of toxic gas in underground mines. There is a lesson for our cultures. Can you see the "canaries" warning us about a toxic society?
Beyond Today
by Donna Black
God admonishes us to love others and do unto them what you would have them do unto you. Please think about health issues with which some have to contend and try to be aware, understanding and considerate of other people’s needs.
by Darris McNeely
Cincinnati East, OH
The sermon focuses on three areas of judgment in connection with the Feast of Trumpets that will occur when this day becomes reality.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers, Gary Petty, Darris McNeely
Where are the voices crying out against dishonesty, injustice and moral evil? And where are people who will heed the warnings?
by Reinhard Klett
North Canton, OH
Our negative feelings such as anxiety and overwhelm may be the “Canary in the Coal Mine” indicating that we may need to address what we believe. Our faith affects our lives, our joy and how we show up in the world more than we may...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
The Occupy Wall Street movement gets a second life today. But what's it all about?
by Gary Snyder
Orange County, CA
The Bible teaches us how to sing and worship our God. God loves when we worhip and sing praises to Him on the Sabbath day. We rejoice while singing and making a joyful noise with music. God also sings to us as we worship Him, an awesome...
United News
Peter Eddington
During the 2015-2016 fiscal year, Beyond Today print advertising and television responses were very favorable.
Print Advertising During the 2015-2016 fiscal year (which ended June 30, 2016), our Beyond Today print advertising efforts using card packs and Sunday newspaper coupon inserts generated 24,347 magazine subscriptions (with more...
by Bill Cowan
Chattanooga, TN
How can we deepen our worship for God at church services?
United News
by Tanya Winger
The stories we tell ourselves can either expand or limit what we can achieve in our minds.
United News
by United News
Praise to God should create harmony, not discord, as well as respect for one another.
United News
by Tina Cason
…but just when I feel like I can’t breathe, I take time to sing!
by Anthony Wasilkoff
Cincinnati East, OH
Ken Shoemaker directs the Ambassador Bible Center Choral, as they perform at the GCE. Anthony Wasilkoff gives sermon telling us how we can become real servants.
UCG Short Films
by Jamie Schreiber, Clint Porter, Kayleen Schreiber
"King All Glorious," composed by G. Vail and C. Wesley, performed by members of the United Church of God. "King All Glorious" is a powerful song dedicated to Jesus Christ, Who is set to return as our King, restoring the earth and...
United News
United News
Save the date for the Columbus Young Adult weekend! All young adults age 18-35 are invited to Columbus, Ohio, on Labor Day weekend, Sept. 2-4, 2022, for an exciting weekend of fun and fellowship.
Activities will be held at the Columbus congregation’s building and include a Bible study Friday evening, Sabbath Services followed by a formal dance after sunset, and a special concert Sunday afternoon (details below). There will be a...
by Victor Hou
Las Vegas, NV
The Council of Elders in May 2024 approved a doctrinal study paper titled on this topic. This message is an examination of the Holy Convocation in the Bible. As the summary of the paper mentions, two principal things are occurring...
