United Church of God


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Total results: 56642.
by Christopher Shude
Flint, MI
We take a look at the other side of offenses. Should we take offense to the actions and words of others? How can we better manage our impulses to take offense? These questions will be answered from God's Word.
by Jeff Richards
Central Oregon
How can something as important as our eternal existence be overshadowed by earthly problems? One easy way this happens, again and again, is becoming Offended. When people become offended that can become so important that they might give...
by Lorelei Nettles
The time we spend considering one another can change the way we treat each other when difficulties come.
by Bill Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
Forgiveness is part of God's greatest gift. It can also be the greatest gift we can offer to somebody else who has offended against us.
Beyond Today
by Becky Sweat
Unfortunately, people sometimes say and do things that are careless, blunt, insensitive or even mean-spirited. While we can’t control the intentions or behavior of others, we can determine how we will act. We can choose to not be offended.
by Gary Petty
Nashville, TN
What do we do when somebody in the congregation mistreats us? A Bible study-style sermon on Matthew 18.
by Scott Thouvenin
North Canton, OH
Have you ever been offended? Have you ever offended anyone else? Jesus Christ points out in his word how to handle this and gives guidance about how to have an effective solution to those situations. Today we package them together as "...
by Jorge de Campos
Dallas, TX
Forgive the sinner that has repented, lest Satan will take advantage of you. Christ is precious to God, as those that obey the gospel are also precious to God. At the same time, Christ is an offense to the sinner, as true Christians are...
by Steve Buchanan
El Paso, TX
Part 1 Of 3 Part Series: Jesus said He would build His Church. Where is that Church today?
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
God’s willingness to reconcile with you and me is an example that He wants us to imitate. We are to learn how to make peace, to be friends instead of enemies, and to forgive and be reconciled to one another.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
The actions of having someone put you under water and then bring you back up again have no power in and of themselves. However, in the context of a baptism these actions are a necessary sign of a spiritual transformation taking place...
by Rod Foster
San Antonio, TX
Great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them. Are we easily offended or do we fall away from God and from each other? We cannot allow this to happen. Sure our feelings might get hurt from time to time but we cannot...
by Joshua Creech
Ft. Wayne, IN
Jesus says His church will be built no matter what the world is like. We must be engaged and not shy away from the world and preaching the gospel.
by Gary Petty
Nashville, TN
Love is civil. What does civility mean and is it important as a Christian to be civil?
by Malcolm Murray
Do we allow our speech to devolve into coarse jesting or negativity?
by Jeff Richards
Central Oregon
Today I would like to cover another reason we can struggle with prayer. It does not involve our relationship with God, at least not directly. It involves the relationships with have with everyone else. Matthew 6:12 says: And forgive us...
