United Church of God

Why Does the Church of God Use the Hebrew Calendar? Part 2

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Why Does the Church of God Use the Hebrew Calendar? Part 2

MP3 Audio (23.78 MB)


Why Does the Church of God Use the Hebrew Calendar? Part 2

MP3 Audio (23.78 MB)

The Hebrew Calendar is the basic set of rules by which we in God’s Church determine when to keep God’s Holy Days. Calendar critics with their varied concerns, opinions and differing conclusions have been around for centuries. It is nothing new. This set of two sermons about the Hebrew calendar explain some of the very complex issues around this topic in a simple to understand manner. The first sermon addressed some of the complications of the heavenly bodies movements in order to have a Calendar in its season for the spiritual purpose and intent of God’s Holy Days. It also described some of the reasons why there are disagreements among those that believe in only a new moon observation. It then concluded by discussing who has the ecclesiastical authority to appoint God’s Holy Days. This second sermon then proves that the rules used in the current Hebrew Calendar, such as the postponement rules, had to be in use during the times of Christ’s ministry on earth, so that certain annual Holy Days would fall on the Sabbath and the Passover would be on a Wednesday.

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