United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 3714.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Don't take it lightly! Suicide among a particular set of Americans is on the rise.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
How much time are you spending on certain habits?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Video games and internet gaming addictions are becoming a real problem for children and teens. This compulsive focus is keeping them from real relationships. What does the Bible say about breaking free and overcoming any addiction?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
A BT Daily viewer offers another perspective on this growing crisis.
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
What is the relationship between social media and anxiety?
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
It can be sinful, if accompanied by wrong lustful thoughts.
by Don Hooser
Many people are plagued by addictions. One of the most common and most harmful addictions is to prescription painkillers. How can you avoid this sort of addiction? If you currently are addicted to these drugs, how can you get help? Read to...
Good News
by John Cafourek
The curse of addictions takes an enormous toll on people and society as a whole. Addictions take many forms and often are very destructive. How can a person break free?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
New studies show an increased death rate for white middle-aged males. What's behind this trend, and what can you do to live longer?
by Stan Martin
Dallas, TX
The saying “whatever does not kill you makes you stronger” is not necessarily true. Many in our world today, and some in the Church of God deal with a variety of addictions. An addiction must be addressed and will seriously affect our...
by Stan Martin
Fort Worth, TX
The saying “whatever does not kill you makes you stronger” is not necessarily true. Many in our world today, and some in the Church of God deal with a variety of addictions. An addiction must be addressed and will seriously affect our...
Bible Study Aids

Pornography addiction is a real and very serious problem for people of all types and backgrounds. It may even be a serious problem for you.

by John McClain
Many suffer from difficult physical and psychological addictions that hinder their lives. Breaking free from addictions can be a long, painful promise. The example of a First Lady of the United States provides clarity and motivation to...
by Tim Martens
Northwest Arkansas
A little child relies heavily on drama to communicate needs and emotions as they don't yet have the power of language and reasoning skills, but as he or she matures, drama, if not balanced, can become an addiction that hinders spiritual...
by Tim Martens
Northwest Arkansas
Humanity is very familiar with various forms of substance and behavioral addiction, yet there is one addiction which easily ensnares many. We can call this addiction "Victimhood", and it is oftentimes a progenitor of the many addictions...
Compass Check
by Fred Schatz
As I traveled my highway to addiction, there were certain road signs that, in hindsight, documented my downward spiral. As we progress through my story, I will denote these “signs” with an asterisk (*) .
Breaking Free
by Anonymous Author
I have been in the Church of God for 17 years. I entered the church as an addict. I became an addict when I was 17 years old, although the pattern for addiction was set up in me long before then. At the time of writing this article, I have...
