United Church of God


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Total results: 3408.
by Robert Dick
Portland, OR
Agape is a word that evolved from invisibility during Classical Greek times, to a term for general emotional attachment to anything good or bad in Koine Greek to the identifier of God Himself in the New Testament Epistles. Part One...
by Chuck Smith
Vero Beach, FL
How deep is your love? Can you comprehend the depth of God's love? Join us today as we look deep into the agape love that God has for all of us.
by Chuck Smith
Vero Beach, FL
Can we even comprehend God's love and what that means for humanity? Today, we examine the width of God's love and how we can strive to develop that agape love in our lives.
by Gary Petty
Murfreesboro, TN
Final message in the agape series. Discussing 1 Corinthians 13:7.
by Chuck Smith
Vero Beach, FL
What is the duration of your love towards another? Does your love last forever? Today, we examine the length of God's enduring love.
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
In the book of Ephesians, we are told to “walk in love,” “be holy in love;” be rooted and grounded “in love;” “truth in love;” and edify the body ‘in love.” Each one of those words translated “love” is the Greek word “agape.” The Bible...
by Chuck Smith
Vero Beach, FL
Can we appreciate the amazing gift that God wants to give us? In this fourth and final message on God's love, we try to measure the immeasurable heights of God's love for mankind.
by Robert Dick
Portland, OR
Tzedek is a powerful term, with it, and its derivatives used nearly 500 times in the Old Testament. It describes God, how He rules, what He wants, what He loves, who He respects and what He wants humans to be. It is also central to the...
by Robert Dick
Portland, OR
Tzedek is a powerful term, with it, and its derivatives used nearly 500 times in the Old Testament. It describes God, how He rules, what He wants, what He loves, who He respects and what He wants humans to be. It is also central to the...
by Gary Petty
Murfreesboro, TN
Three ways we as Christians rejoice in iniquity without realizing it.
United News
This week's announcements include some exciting upcoming events.
From Ministerial and Member Services . . . Ordination of Robert Wood We’re happy to announce that on Dec. 16, 2023, Robert Wood was ordained into the ministry. He and his wife, Ruth, serve the congregation in...
by Steve Myers
Ambassador Bible College
In this class we will discuss 1 Corinthians 13:1–5 and examine the following: Paul extols the supremacy of love over spiritual gifts. He emphasizes that even extraordinary abilities without love are meaningless. Paul describes love as...
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
Christ makes it very plain to His people that “agape” love is a requirement for us. He summarizes the Commandments and God’s way of life with “You shall AGAPE the Lord God with all your heart, mind, and soul,” and “You shall AGAPE your...
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
In this conclusion of a five-part series on “ Truthing in Love” and the biblical meaning and application of agape, how agape interacts with the “other” three types of love is discussed, then we conclude with God’s stirring and insightful...
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
As we continue our series of sermons on AGAPE love and how to develop it and apply it in our lives, we come to how to actively develop the agape love God would have us develop by looking into the Bible and letting it teach us to live...
United News
by Don Hooser
As humans, we can never fully comprehend God’s love, although it is our duty and joy to strive to understand it better and better. It is our duty and joy to increasingly internalize that same love and exercise it toward God and toward one...
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
This message will use the virtue list of 2 Peter to see how the bible’s many roads lead back to the ethical core of moral behavior.
by Rick Beam
Rome, GA
Well, I will just say that many, if not all, of us could spend a bit of time and listen to this frequently as a reminder of how we should behave as soon to be children of the Almighty God. Everyone wants to be treated with respect. One...
Sermon Series
This 11 part sermon series focuses on the word "agape" found several times in the Bible. What does this word mean and how can we learn to express this type of love? As Christians, why is agape so important as an attribute of the...
