United Church of God


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Total results: 24570.
by Ronald A. Bell
Buffalo, NY
Halloween where does it come from and what does it represent? Are Christians to honor it?
Good News
by Good News
In recent years eye-opening materials have been published about the questionable background of Halloween.
by Carl Kinsella
Salem, OR
We all have heard words and phrases that worn out, overused to the point they don’t carry much meaning, or they may be words that we quickly add to the end of a slogan. For example, someone says Lay’s potato chips, and you finish with, “I...
by Don Hooser
We sincerely hope that in the very near future you and your children will learn more about God's Holy Days and begin observing them rather than Halloween and other days of pagan origin that are of no value for teaching spiritual truths.
Beyond Today
by Jerold Aust
Every year at Halloween, well-meaning parents dress their children in grotesque and ghoulish costumes. Is Halloween really harmless? Who and what’s behind this bizarre holiday?
Good News
by Jerold Aust
Every year at Halloween, well-meaning parents dress their children in grotesque and ghoulish costumes. Is Halloween really harmless? Who and what's behind this bizarre holiday?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
Why would you want to stop kids from the fun and excitement of Halloween? Does it really matter?
by Craig Scott
Raleigh, NC
Halloween's timing and theme serve as a counterfeit version of God’s fall Feast days, drawing people away from the truth of the plan of God for all of humanity and what happens after death.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers, Gary Petty, Darris McNeely
What image comes to mind about Halloween? Just a night of fun or a holiday devoted to spirits who oppose God? You need to know.
by Don Hooser
Most folks who celebrate Halloween are nice people, but that doesn’t make Halloween nice.
Good News
by Gary Petty
It seems like such harmless fun—children dressed as witches, skeletons or Darth Vader ringing the doorbell, enthusiastically announcing, "Trick or treat!" But is this preoccupation with the dead, witches and demons really harmless? And do...
Beyond Today
by Jerold Aust
Every year, on the evening of Oct. 31, millions of families celebrate a distinctly odd holiday known as Halloween. For your own good, you need to know what lurks behind the mask of Halloween.
Spiritual Growth
by Vertical Thought
Why do witches, goblins, jack-o'-lanterns, cobwebs, graveyards and symbols of the occult surround this holiday? You need to know the real story.
by Dan Baker
Mansfield, OH
As we proclaim God's name, we are held accountable for all our actions and words.
by Stan Martin
Kingsport, TN
When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray He explained how we are to always hallow the Father’s name in all we do. Hallowing God’s name is something a Christian is to do throughout their life. (Presented to the London KY, Church)
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
There is a real spiritual force at the center of Halloween. It is more than dressing up in costumes with a temporary identity.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Steve Myers answers a viewer's question about a graphic used on a recent Beyond Today program.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The apostle Paul uses an analogy about salt to remind us how to speak to one another.
