United Church of God


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Total results: 14445.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
God's faithfulness is everlasting, and His promises endure to this day.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Daniel 11 gives insight into Egypt and the Middle East.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Tom Robinson
The Israeli Jews are regularly accused of invading and occupying land that is not theirs—the land of Palestine that purportedly belongs to the indigenous Palestinian people. But just who are the Palestinians? Is the land theirs? What is...
by Gary Petty
Murfreesboro, TN
The background and origin of the Arab peoples is discussed starting with the founder, Abraham.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Brexit is now official. What comes next now that Britain is no longer part of the European Union?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The Middle East in general, and Israel specifically are an integral part of the biblical story.
United News
United News
This spring the United Church of God received a letter from an Iraqi national now living in Bonn, Germany, who offered to translate our booklet The Middle East in Bible Prophecy into Arabic.
Peter Eddington, from Media and Communications Services, asked Paul Kieffer, UCG pastor and coordinator in Germany, to contact the man and determine whether his offer was genuine. June 2 Mr. Kieffer met with the man. His English is...
World News and Prophecy
by Cecil Maranville
Say "Middle East" to people in other parts of the world, and they will think in terms of countries such as Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, etc. Recent events have forced the average Westerner to become...
Good News
by Good News
Israel's former prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, draws attention to a major cause of the conflict in the Mideast in his book A Place Among the Nations.
Good News
by Rodney Hall, Scott Ashley, Tom Robinson
At the heart of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East is ongoing hatred among Muslim nations toward Israel and the Jewish people. What are the underlying causes? 
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Despite political claims to the contrary, Jewish people have a long history in the land of Israel. Israel existed in the past, and for prophecy to be fulfilled they must exist in the future. [EDIT: The temple referred to at the 3:40 minute...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Dan Taylor
The world is seeing an increasing number of growing trouble spots. Yet one remains consistent in its ability to dominate the headlines—the Middle East. What’s behind its constant turmoil?
Beyond Today Magazine
by Steven Britt
As modern Israel turns 70, we look back at what led up to the amazing reestablishment of a Jewish state in the Holy Land after centuries of exile, and the struggle endured since—and ahead to promises and yearning yet unfulfilled.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
The war raging between Hamas and Israel is distressing, but peace is coming and Jerusalem will finally live up to its name. Are we prepared for that time?
