United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 4733.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Why did Jonah not do what God told him to do, and went the opposite direction? 
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
by United Church of God
The descendants of the rest of the exiled Jewish and Israelite families were scattered among the nations and most probably eventually lost their identity.
by John Miller
North Canton, OH
Part ten of God's Timeline of History: Kingdom divided, Israel in captivity by the Assyrians and Judah in captivity by the Babylonians.
by Fred Nance
Jonesboro, AR
This Bible study covers Isaiah chapters 9 and 10 which prophesy that many of the tribes of Israel (north) were being taken captive by the Assyrians as chastisement of Israel for their disobedience.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
We can have confidence because of the goodness of God and His concern for us.
Bible Commentary
by Beyond Today Editor
2nd Syro-Ephraimite war continues, Assyria intervenes against Syria-Israel, 1st Assyrian deportation of Israel, Hoshea kills Pekah and usurps throne, Ahaz before Assyrian king in Damascus, new pagan altar, Jotham dies
by James Cowell
Las Vegas, NV
There is a historical event in the history of Israel recorded by Isaiah that also contains a prophecy that the gloom and darkness resulting from Assyrian captivity would be dispelled at a future time by a “Great Light.” The confrontation...
Bible Commentary
by Beyond Today Editor
Sennacherib’s invasion and conquest of Judah’s cities, Micah’s warning of coming destruction on Jerusalem, Hezekiah humbles himself, Assyrian encampment before Jerusalem
United News
by Scott Ashley
I received a copy of a review of The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. I understood that this was to be a new work by UCG, but the reviewer said "no new information is being offered."
Beyond Today Magazine
by Steven Britt
The Bible mentions a number of kingdoms and empires. This overview will help you understand which played what roles in the history of the Bible—and in roles yet to come!
Good News
by Jerold Aust
God's mercy is always available to people in a repentant attitude, who acknowledge their inadequacies and strive to honor and serve Him. Hezekiah's life proves this is true.
The Throne of Britain
by United Church of God
Because of Solomon’s disobedience, God split the nation into two kingdoms following his death in about 930 B.C. (1 Kings 11-12).
