United Church of God


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Total results: 9143.
by Sal Cimino, Sr.
Charlotte, NC
Self-pity is part of the selfish human nature that the adversary uses as a weapon causing us to think irrationally...
This Is The Way
by Robert H Berendt
Self-pity is the first step in a downward spiral that leads to discouragement.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Are you your own worst enemy?
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
Sermon looking at the 3 Selves found in the Bible 1. Self Pity 2. Self Deprecation 3. Self Examination
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
A look at different ways we can examine ourselves and what we can truly look for to make sure we root out sin.
This Is The Way
by Robert H Berendt
An old Chinese proverb states "You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair."
by Don Shaw
Roanoke, VA
Examining four points that keep us from having a right attitude.
by Ken Pulliam
Cincinnati East, OH
Are you fully committed to follow Jesus Christ and not look back?
United News
Donald Ward
The choice of whether we are going to wallow in the pits of self-pity, or whether we are going to look to the hills for strength and encouragement, is up to us. No knight in shining armor is going to come along and pull us out of the pity...
With all the bad news in the world, we sure could use some good news today! As I was meditating last night, after I had watched the Democratic presidential debate, I asked myself: What is the main thing that each person in the whole world...
by Lorelei Nettles
Are we staying focused on God, or are we allowing what could have been to get in our way?
United News
United News
These seven days of self-examination during the Feast of Unleavened Bread prove invaluable in helping us to devote our lives to God and Jesus Christ. They also also picture our eventual triumph over sin, made possible through the sacrifice...
The Days of Unleavened Bread remind us that with God's help we must remove and avoid all types of sin in all areas of our life. This is the next step in God's plan for humanity. After Passover we must keep the sin out of our lives. When...
by Randy D'Alessandro
Ann Arbor, MI
In our society, it is becoming far too common for people to play the “victim card.” Those with this point of view feel that they are the victim of Satan and society’s ills, indulge in self-pity, and shift the blame for the situation in...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
After Christians remove leaven, representing sin, they are to live a new life of "sincerity and truth."
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
In this message we will cover the sin quarreling. A category which includes: strife, self-ambition, sedition, heresy, conceits, and tumults.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
You can be a better you—we all can.
by Barry Korthuis
Colorado Springs, CO
One of God's promises is that He will show pity to His children who fear (revere) Him (Psalm 103:13).  This sermon focuses on the importance of pity, what the purpose of pity is, and to encourage Christians to show the right kind of pity...
