United Church of God


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Total results: 3587.
Sabbath Services
by Chris Rowland, Mike Cook
United Church of God Sabbath services: Cincinnati East, Ohio PM congregation - June 20, 2020
by Andy Duran
Springfield, MO
In this split sermon, the speaker looks into three instructions on how a Christian should behave. 
by Scott Thouvenin
North Canton, OH
Discretion is the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information. Discretion is a godly value which He provides to us, and we must learn to provide to others. God’s Word is...
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
Jehoshaphat was a good, but not perfect king of Judah. Facing a potentially dangerous foe that threatened his kingdom, he behaved in a way that we can learn from.
Beyond Today Magazine

The world is plunging into a darkening era of societal upheaval and advancing evil. But what even defines evil? Is there a standard? Some warn of fighting in Ukraine and Israel leading to larger conflict, even a third world war. What’s ultimately going on?

Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
What areas of your life have you not walked humbly with God? 
by Ron Davenport
Huntsville, AL
The values that we have in large part define who we are and how we behave. However, we often find the things that we naturally value come into conflict with the things that we should value. As people called to be children of God, much of...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Will everyone make it into the Kingdom of God? The Bible gives the answer!
by Dan Preston
Charlotte, NC
Do you ever forget things as a Christian? Not just certain stories or anecdotes in the Bible, but perhaps actually forgetting to behave like a Christian? We must never forget who we are, and in this message, we will discuss four...
by Galen Morrison
Beloit, WI
In this ungodly, secular age many people—even professing Christians—seem to have lost sight of the divine majesty of God. Many behave with unrecognized shallowness and irreverence, lacking respect for our Creator. It seems His name is...
by David Roenspies
Beloit, WI
How to behave around strife.
by Rick Shabi
Orlando, FL
Christ came preaching those words when He began His ministry, and those words were accompanied by signs that indicated the Kingdom was indeed “in their midst.” But, Jesus did not behave or do the things they expected the Messiah to do,...
by Johnnie Lambert
Elmira, NY
Set of principles and how we should behave
by Joe Horchak
Sacramento, CA
Living up to the Days of Unleavened Bread requires us to behave so others can see the difference in a true Christian.     View on YouTube
by Michael DeSouto
Roanoke, VA
Let’s learn from the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah and how to be/behave as opposite from them as possible. Pride lead to Satan’s rebellion and downfall. Pride was the first sin of mankind – elevating personal opinion above what God instructed...
by Len Martin
Columbus, OH
There are many passages we can read to learn about the love of God. In 1 John 4, we learn that God is love. How do we let this affect our lives in the way we live and behave? Does this mean we are free to live our lives in any way that we...
by Skip Miller
San Diego, CA
Knowing what is coming upon the earth, how we should we behave?.  What is are disciples? What are apostles?  Faith is compared to doubt and the keys to unity are explained.
by Rick Beam
Rome, GA
Well, I will just say that many, if not all, of us could spend a bit of time and listen to this frequently as a reminder of how we should behave as soon to be children of the Almighty God. Everyone wants to be treated with respect. One...
by Rex Sexton
Portland, OR
Is marriage like a real estate contract? People search for reasons for divorce or separation. What does the Bible say about marriage? How should marriage partners behave towards one another? There are three parties in a marriage.
by Ed Dowd
Salina, KS
The Bible is a book about relationships. How we handle and care for our relationships show God a great deal about our character. With the maintenance of relationships, comes the human struggle of reconciliation. How we approach and behave...
