United Church of God


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Total results: 3276.
by Gary Johnson
Olympia, WA
There are three Greek words that are translated in the NKJV as "consider" in the book of Hebrews. Understanding the differences helps us to gain more from our study of the letter to the Hebrews.
by Johnnie Lambert
Anchorage, Alaska 2021
The purpose of this sermon is to picture together the coming glory of God's Church and the glory of God's coming kingdom by looking at the prophecy in Haggai 2.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
How much do you give, and is it done with the right attitude?
by Scott McKeon
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
As part of the “Know Your Sword Series”, we continue our deep expository dive into this critical book of the Bible.
by Scott McKeon
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
As part of the “Know Your Sword Series”, we continue our deep expository dive into this critical book of the Bible.
by Scott McKeon
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
As part of the “Know Your Sword Series”, we continue our deep expository dive into this critical book of the Bible.
United News
Steve Myers
Forty-one elders and their wives from across the Northeast region of the U.S. gathered together in Youngstown, Ohio, July 14-16 for the second in the 2019-2020 regional ministerial conference series.
Sunday began with a relaxing dessert reception that provided an excellent atmosphere for fellowship and an opportunity for newer elders and wives to become better acquainted with our seasoned elders. Monday morning began early with a...
by Howard Nitzberg
Knoxville, TN
This ambitious sermon series, is going to be an expository, --on a very specific section of man's time on this planet—and analyzing, how Gods design and intimate involvement—has at its very core, His great love and concern for all mankind...
by Howard Nitzberg
Knoxville, TN
This ambitious sermon series, is going to be an expository, --on a very specific section of man's time on this planet—and analyzing, how Gods design and intimate involvement—has at its very core, His great love and concern for all mankind...
United News

Featured in this issue of United News are UYC reports and photos, local church updates, festival announcements for the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles, Ambassador Bible College news and updates from two recent trips to Africa.

Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Strong's Exhaustive Bible Concordance is a reference tool that helps identify the common translations of the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek words in the Bible.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
What did Jesus Christ mean when He told the Pharisees that the "kingdom of God is within you"?
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
The four Gospels and the book of Acts use the word "disciple" often. What is a Christian disciple, and how can we become one?
Bible Questions and Answers
The New King James Version refers to Christ four times as our propitiation. What does this word mean?
Bible Questions and Answers
I recently read a scripture in the New Testament where Christ stated that whoever believed in His name would be saved. Most Christian religions today teach that all it takes to receive salvation is to believe that Christ lived and walked...
Vertical Thought
by Vertical Thought
Many people believe Jesus Christ taught that the Kingdom of God is something that exists only in the hearts and minds of believers.
You Can Have Living Faith
by United Church of God
Many people think of "faith" as either a feeling or a collection of ideas that represent one's convictions. Although both of these concepts involve elements of faith, the full definition is much broader.
