United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 3429.
World News and Prophecy
by Tom Robinson
It’s not every day that you open a major British newspaper and read a headline like this: “Rise of the Fourth Reich, How Germany Is Using the Financial Crisis to Conquer Europe” (Simon Heffer, Daily Mail, Aug. 17, 2011). Many observers are...
Good News
by Good News
A Newsweek article related a common viewpoint in its introduction, stating, "It's become all fashionable in Washington, Moscow and Beijing these days to dismiss Europe as an aging continent in terminal decline" (Nov. 16, 2009). But the...
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
Europe will go through many more changes before its "dream" and destiny will appear.
by Herman Spencer
Roanoke, VA
Satan is a master of deception and influences this world. He has an agenda. We need to guard ourselves from his influence.
by Herman Spencer
Roanoke, VA
Have you ever been so worried about something it was all you could think about? In Matthew 6, Christ tells us not to worry but to have faith. Satan wants us to doubt. Three points to fight the enemies of faith.
by Herman Spencer
Roanoke, VA
Just as the pioneers journeyed out west and searched for gold and other treasures, we too are on a journey searching for treasure. What is this treasure and how do we obtain it? Three ways you can increase your chances of finding your...
by Herman Spencer
Roanoke, VA
This world needs peacemakers. We are training now to become peacemakers in God's Kingdom. Ways to develop the characteristics of a peacemaker in your daily life.
World News and Prophecy
by John Ross Schroeder
Chancellor Angela Merkel's noteworthy reluctance to part with large amounts of bailout cash has recently riveted European leaders' attention. Germany is increasingly beginning to negotiate from a strengthened position, fortified by the...
by Herman Spencer
Roanoke, VA
Listening is a skill that has to be learned. How well do you listen to others? How well do you listen to God? Are you passively receiving or actively participating? Ways we can improve our listening skills.
World News and Prophecy
by Paul Kieffer
An old German proverb says that God's millstone turns slowly. Over the years the pace of developments within the European Union has also been slow, but things are changing.
United News
Walter K Tannert
Orpha Wingfield, who has been a church member since the early 1950s in New Mexico, turned 104 in October.
Orpha Wingfield of Tularosa, New Mexico, turned 104 years old on Oct. 9. She was baptized in the early 1950s in the Rio Grande River near Las Cruces by Rod Meredith, who was on a baptizing tour with Herman Hoeh. She still lives in her own...
Service Project
Good Works is replacing a van for the Haiti congregation.

$8,260 raised of $5,000 goal

United News
Chuck Smith
We would like to request prayers for the brethren in Mirebalais, Haiti.
Last Sabbath, Feb. 6, Deacon Joseph Jean set out in his van to transport 15 brethren to their homes after services. On the main street in Mirebalais, the van was attacked by demonstrators protesting President Jovenel Moïse’s government....
Good News
by Melvin Rhodes
Great powers come and go. For more than six decades the United States has been the world's dominant power. Seventy years ago, Great Britain—with its vast empire—was the world's greatest power. Is the United States following Britain's path...
by Edwin van Pelt
Buffalo, NY
The lessons we can learn from Stephen's example and his strong faith in God.
by Edwin van Pelt
Buffalo, NY
To compare gold's properties to how God could view us.
