United Church of God


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Total results: 12606.
by Paul Moody
Kennewick, WA
The Word of God must be the foundation on which our beliefs and ideas are built. In this world, human reasoning and human thought are the foundation. In the days of the apostle Paul, asceticism and gnosticism were two of the false...
by Howard Baker
East Texas
Humanism is the primary philosophy in the world today and impacts virtually every aspect of our lives. Originating in Northern Italy during the 13th and 14th centuries, it then spread across Northern Europe. Based in pagan philosophy and...
by Lee Massie
Northern Virginia
How we think about God and understand Him drives our religion in many ways. Who is He? There are many challenges to answering that question that we as human beings have to come to grips with.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
A new element in the climate change debate has caused people to wonder if it is ethical to procreate.
by John May
Beloit, WI
Humanist philosophies dominate the contemporary world. This message examines the origins of humanism and explains why this popular philosophy is such a danger to Christians who strive to maintain a biblical perspective while seeking to...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
This coming Tuesday is the 241st anniversary of the American Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress meeting at the Pennsylvania State House (Independence Hall) in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. It established a...
by David PerMar
Orlando, FL
Modern humanism is the predominant philosophy that influences and shapes the attitudes and views of our modern western societies. What is it and how do we combat it?
by Charles Graby
Atlanta, GA
A new philosophy and approach is emergining among the some who consider themselves as intellectuals in this world - transhumanism. In this sermon, local elder Charles Graby explains what this false belief is, and shows why God's plans for...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
So many assume Christ was born on Dec. 25. What is the truth?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
No matter where we are spiritually, we can always do better, we can always strive to be more like Jesus Christ.
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
Do human beings have an immortal soul that will separate from the physical body when we die? Most people assume the belief is taught in the bible but it really comes from somewhere else. Do you actually know where the idea comes from?
Beyond Today Magazine
by Steven Britt
The search for the best government has occupied mankind for thousands of years. And still, no one would ever call any of the systems in place today ideal.
Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist?
by United Church of God
Man has developed three views, nihilism, humanism & immanence, that attempt to explain the meaning of life without God. These have had an enormous impact on the world and the way people live.
Vertical Thought
by Randy Stiver
What is the difference between human beings and animals? Why did God make animals? How should a vertical-thinking person treat animals?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
God has decreed all educated men will be free. How does this match up with Christ's statement?
Beyond Today
by Larry Walker
The traditional concept of God is rooted in Greek philosophy and conflicts with the Bible. We can relate to God in human terms because that's how He describes Himself to us in the Bible.
by W. Fred Crow
San Jose, CA
There is a growing controversary in Christian philosophy deals with the concepts of God-entered versus man-centered religion. Classical theology used to be God-centered. God came first and was the supreme center of our focus. Modern...
