United Church of God


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Total results: 7833.
United News
Victor Kubik
Letter from the President
UCG president Victor Kubik provides update on recent trip to Oklahoma and shares thoughts on inauguration prayers and "what makes a nation great?".
This past weekend, Beverly and I traveled to Tulsa and Oklahoma City where we were graciously hosted by Ed and RaeAnn Dowd. We thoroughly enjoyed getting to know their three fine sons. Friday evening, many from the Tulsa congregation...
World News and Prophecy
by Cecil Maranville
Has America dodged the bullet? Has the economy turned around? Will government intervention save the day? Will the country soon wake up from its financial nightmare and find that everything has returned to normal?
André van Belkum
On the Sabbath morning of April 14, the second hall constructed in the Mumbwa province of Zambia was inaugurated, with 96 people in attendance.
On the Sabbath morning of April 14, the second hall constructed in the Mumbwa province of Zambia was inaugurated, with 96 people in attendance. In order to negate rumors that the United Church of God is secretive, a number of people...
by Steve Buchanan
El Paso, TX
For many, the result of the 2016 Presidential election was surprising. Will the inauguration of President Donald Trump "make America great again?"
United News
Join us for our inaugural bike ride.
Registration is now open for up to 50 riders to participate in the inaugural bike ride along the beautiful shores of Lake Superior on Sept. 10, 2023. This fully supported ride will begin and end in Gooseberry Falls State Park (40 miles...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
Yesterday (January 20th) I had the opportunity to watch some of the inauguration ceremonies of our new American President. I couldn’t help to think back to the first King of Israel and his inauguration. His name was Saul and I believe it...
Good News
by Scott Ashley
One of America's most famous landmarks is Mount Rushmore, a testament to four of the nation's most renowned presidents. What made them great leaders? We live in a world suffering greatly from a crisis in leadership, so in this issue we...
by Jerold Aust
Atlanta, GA
Retired pastor, writer and Bible Instructor, Jerold Aust, begins a series of Friday evening Bible Studies on the Book of Revelation. On this inaugural Study, he covers an introduction to the Book, and Chapter 1. [Note - These studies are...
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
In our world filled with nagging problems, prayer can change and improve your life.
United News
Len Martin
Ohio June 14–21
This year 80 campers and 57 staff enjoyed a great week at Camp Cotubic where the rolling fields, lush trees and beautiful lake provide a gorgeous setting to gather together and learn how to “Be Like Our Heavenly Father!” The rainy weather...
by Bill Cagle
Tulsa, OK
Celebrating Pentecost is a command of God. God began to pour out the gift of His Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost in 31 A.D. The Holy Spirit is a precious gift from God which helps us as members of the Church of God to grow, to...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
A controversial photo provides us an important reminder.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Victor Kubik
In Paris and San Bernardino, people were going about their everyday lives. Little did they know that within a matter of minutes, dozens would be killed or maimed in vicious terrorist attacks. What do we need to learn from these horrific...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
There are big problems in America right now. We can access a very big solution.
Sabbath Services
by Jason Nitzberg, Mark Welch
United Church of God Sabbath services: Cincinnati East, Ohio PM congregation - May 23, 2020
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
God's Church must be effective; and to be effective the Church must recognize that Jesus Christ is the Head of His Church. He is the beginning and the end and He's knows the beginning from the end.
United News
Carmelo Anastasi
Below is an update from UCG pastor Carmelo Anastasi, who reports on the impact of coronavirus on brethren in Italy.
All the brethren in Italy are doing well so far, thank God. We are contacting Church members almost daily to encourage them and to be updated on their real status. Everything is fine to date. Everyone will celebrate the Passover at...
