United Church of God


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Total results: 4521.
United News
Peter Eddington
The Beyond Today production team has been working on three, new, five-part video series—the first of which airs April 23 and 30, and May 7, 14, and 21.
New Beyond Today TV series premiered April 23. You can view the 30-second ad for the first series on YouTube at https://youtu.be/m24UAmKp3-c. The first series, presented by Darris McNeely, is on the subject of “Joseph’s...
by Mario Seiglie
Orange County, CA
Joseph's life has many lessons for us. Listen in and find out what Joseph's life can teach us.
by Randy Schreiber
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
Genesis 25 tells the story of a couple of young men Esau and Jacob. Esau did not think his birthright had value, but Jacob saw what could be. Jacob looked to the future. Joseph was also a dreamer who dreamed of being a ruler. Why should we...
The Throne of Britain
by United Church of God
What is the scepter promise and to whom does it belong?
Beyond Today Television Program
Why did millions of people around the world watch the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II? Why in a modern world are people fascinated by the person who wears the crown in Great Britain? Could it be there's something more than celebrity and...
Sabbath Services
by Gary Burke, Aaron Creech
United Church of God Feast of Tabernacles services: Panama City Beach, FL — September 23, 2021
by Gary Beam
Birmingham, AL
The Day of Pentecost celebrates the firstfruits of God. The descendants of Joseph received greater birthright blessings than the other tribes of Israel. This serves as a forerunner of the tremendous rewards God plans has in mind for the...
by Gary Beam
Tupelo, MS
The Day of Pentecost celebrates the firstfruits of God.  The descendants of Joseph received greater birthright blessings than the other tribes of Israel.  This serves as a forerunner of the tremendous rewards God plans has in mind for the...
Beyond Today
by Katherine Rowland
How can we equip ourselves to withstand all of life’s temptations?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely
Bible prophecies identify nations today that have been recipients of great promises.
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy
by United Church of God
The amazing story of the rise to greatness of the United States and Britain begins 4,000 years ago with the biblical patriarch Abraham. God's promises would bring an astounding future for his descendant.
The Throne of Britain
by United Church of God
Britain’s heraldic imagery takes on great significance in light of the true biblical identity of the British people and their royal family.
United News
Jim Tuck
Why is this nation strategically placed between the Middle East and Central Europe? Most people don’t know that Turkey is related to the descendants of Jacob through his brother Esau.
What does the Bible say about Turkey in prophecy? Britain, the United States of America and Australia are from the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When researching the Turkish people, one finds they are descended from the first-born...
