United Church of God


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Total results: 3630.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Patience and longsuffering are listed in the Bible as godly characteristics. Do you have them and is there any difference between them?
by Paul Moody
Kennewick, WA
God is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. The word translated "Longsuffering" literally means "long-tempered", as opposed to the short-tempered attitudes often evidenced in...
Family Study Guides

In this Family Study Guide we discuss God’s Fruit of the Spirit: Longsuffering. God gives us His Holy Spirit so we can develop this important characteristic in our lives.

by Scott Thouvenin
North Canton, OH
Longsuffering and patience are each used in a definition of the other. Longsuffering requires patience, and patience longsuffering. God is patient with us, and expects us to be with others.
by Troy Phelps
Petaluma, CA
Speaker: Troy Phelps Date: 6/1/24 In this third sermon of this series on nine qualities of the God Family, we explore the misunderstood fruit of Long-Suffering. We explore the clear meaning of the two root words as we come to the...
by Matthew Jenkins
Huntsville, AL
The bible refers to the fall holy day season as the Feast of Ingathering. That should remind us that we are to be bearing fruit at all times of the year. Today, let's look at the fruit of longsuffering.
by Joseph L Wright
Delmarva, DE
Longsuffering is surrounded by mercy, goodness, and forgiveness of sin and inequity. Let us be longsuffering to each other and toward the world.
by Ethan May
Chicago, IL
In this message, we will highlight the critical need to continue to produce Godly fruit in our lives through the Holy Spirit. As we do so, we will focus specifically on three fruits of the Holy Spirit: kindness, meekness and long-suffering.
by Brian Shaw
Twin Cities, MN
Those who walk worthy of our calling are slow to anger, emulating God’s longsuffering nature as they grow in His wisdom and love.
Good News
by Good News
God's longsuffering toward His human creatures means two things. He patiently continues to provide for us and serve us even while He suffers from our sins and stupidity. And God doesn't "lose His temper." Our very existence depends on God...
by Carl Kinsella
Salem, OR
Christ set us an example of how he loved and served others up to the very end of his life. Emulating that love during one’s life can be challenging. Christ's life holds many lessons but now let us consider how being a living sacrifice,...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
Today I would like to discuss another one of the nine qualities of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. In the recent past, we have spoken specifically about love, joy, and to a lesser degree… peace, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control....
by Jorge de Campos
Lawton, OK
Col 3:12  Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering;
by Leroy Cole
Lehigh Valley, PA
We live in an age of speed. We want things done instantly. We want our computers to be faster and faster. Is it any wonder that in that process we have become more and more impatient. We are impatient with ourselves and with others...
by Sal Cimino
St. Petersburg, FL
We live in a very short-tempered society, where people want what they want right now. In contrast, one of the fruits of God's Holy Spirit is longsuffering. In this message, Mr. Cimino discusses what longsuffering is, a couple of examples, ...
by Howard Nitzberg
Knoxville, TN
How and why these three facets are crucial in growing our faith daily.
by Fred Nance
Cincinnati East, OH
Longsuffering, or patience, is tested on a daily basis in our lives. Mr. Nance goes through five points to help us develop this characteristic.
by Gary Petty
Murfreesboro, TN
Part 6 of a series on Fruits of the Spirit - Longsuffering.
by Jason Fritts
Murfreesboro, TN
Why does God allow us to suffer? Are we caught up with the idea that God should make it be over as soon as possible? God wants us to learn patience as He works with us through our suffering long.
