United Church of God


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Total results: 3786.
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Nathan Ekama
Feast Site Region: 
United States
Register To This Site Pewaukee, Wisconsin This will be our third year hosting the Feast of Tabernacles in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. Pewaukee offers visitors the familiarity of Wisconsin’s beautiful lakes, landscapes, and parks which...
United News
Although the Milwaukee Teen Prom unfortunately had to be cancelled, there will be, in its place, a Milwaukee Family Weekend!
It is with deep regret that we announce the cancellation of the Milwaukee Teen Prom “Under the Sea” scheduled for March 30. Unfortunately, due to insufficient interest, we are unable to proceed with the event. Refunds will be issued to...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
How much time are you spending on certain habits?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Beyond Today is presenting "America: The Time Is Now!" in Nashville, Tennessee and other cities in the upcoming months. Understand what God is doing in the world today and what He could be doing in your life. 
by Dan Dowd
Milwaukee, WI
Why do we observe the Feast of Pentecost? What does this day picture in God’s plan of salvation? What is our role in this day? What meaning does the Feast of Pentecost have for us?
United News
Teens ages 12-19 and their families are invited to attend the teen prom and family weekend hosted by the Milwaukee, WI congregation.
Teens ages 12-19 and their families are invited to attend the teen prom and family weekend hosted by the Milwaukee, WI congregation this spring. It will be held the weekend of April 7-9, 2023. Activities planned will include...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Beyond Today is presenting "America: The Time Is Now!" in Columbus, Ohio and other cities in the upcoming months. Understand what God is doing in the world today and what He could be doing in your life.
by Dan Dowd
Milwaukee, WI
Why is tithing important? Is there principle beyond the money that we are to see?
by Dan Dowd
Milwaukee, WI
What can we learn from Peter’s Pentecost sermon?
by Dan Dowd
Milwaukee, WI
What is peace? How, and why, are Christian's to be peacemakers?
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Devin Schulz
Feast Site Region: 
United States
Pewaukee, Wisconsin Once again, we will be hosting the Feast of Tabernacles in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. Pewaukee offers the familiarity of Wisconsin’s beautiful lakes, landscapes, and parks provide a...
by Dan Dowd
Milwaukee, WI
Fasting is a powerful spiritual tool. What are some of the reasons for fasting?
by Dan Dowd
Milwaukee, WI
We are to nourish and cherish God's Holy Spirit so that we are His Temple with Him dwelling in us.
United News
Dan Dowd
Young adults from across the country are invited to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this Memorial Day weekend (May 28–30, 2022) to meet other young adults, engage in Bible studies and sightsee in the Milwaukee area.
We invite those aged 18–30 for this exciting weekend. Registration will be open to 50 people, and a sign-up website is forthcoming. There will be a modest fee to cover the cost of food and some activities. Housing options include camping (...
by Dan Dowd
Milwaukee, WI
The Bible is a book about relationships. If we stop to consider what leads to a healthy and balance relationship, we can have a much better life.
by Dan Dowd
Milwaukee, WI
The physical counting toward the Feast of Pentecost is important, but there is a spiritual counting that we should be aware of as well.
by Dan Dowd
Milwaukee, WI
The analogy of a boomerang to illustrate the principle of sowing and reaping is useful in remembering how Christian’s should practice an aspect of God’s Holy Spirit.
by Dan Dowd
Milwaukee, WI
As we close out these Days of Unleavened Bread for this year, let’s consider the topic of Waiting on God.
by Mike Helwig
Milwaukee, WI
The covenant that Jesus Christ ushered in changes out barriers of separation and replaces them with a guilt free adherence to God's law.
by Mike Helwig
Milwaukee, WI
Man's rejection of Jesus Christ creates an environment describing a stone of stumbling that His followers will also navigate as they preach the gospel.
