United Church of God


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Total results: 40812.
Beyond Today Daily
by Rick Shabi
In this Biblical Worldview episode, United Church of God president, Rick Shabi explores the growing influence of "woke" culture and its unsettling impact on society, as reflected in recent global events like the Olympics. 
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
What you are planting in your life? Will you ultimately reap eternal life or have you planted things that are going to wear out and don't mean anything? 
by David Horvath
Nashville, TN
Do not be deceived! God is not mocked! We cannot excuse our actions and blame others. We will reap what we sow. Thoughts and actions have consequences. Humans may mock God, ignore His Word, and even make fun of the very concept of God—for...
by Fred Nance
Jonesboro, AR
When the Assyrians invade Judah and arrive at the gates of Jerusalem, King Hezekiah of Judah was faced with a seemingly impossible situation. The Assyrian field commander mocked king Hezekiah and the people of Judah for trusting God....
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Like Hannah from the Bible, we'll all face disappointments in our lifetime. The key to not becoming bitter is giving our cares over to God.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
God and Christians are under attack. Award shows, animated programs and even documentaries seem to make fun of God, faith, and the Bible. What can be done?
by Bart Bornhorst
Indianapolis, IN
As we near Passover, we must fully appreciate what Christ went through to die for our sins. Delve into these four areas of His crucifixion 1.) Jesus endured great fear and emotional stress 2.) He was betrayed and accused 3.) He was mocked...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
How many projects have you begun but never finished? Becoming a disciple requires we count the cost.
by Paul Moody
Kennewick, WA
God is not mocked, we will reap what we sow. However, just like a physical crop, it takes time for the harvest to come in. Because the harvest isn't immediate doesn't mean there won't be one. We need to take care to sow seeds of...
Bible Commentary
by Beyond Today Editor
Job's summary discourse: he was blessed and respected but is now mocked and devastated
Are We Living in the Time of the End?
by United Church of God
Like the people in Noah's time who laughed and mocked as he built the ark, the end of this age will come when the overwhelming majority are unprepared.
by Leroy Cole
Lewistown, PA
Don't deceive yourself, God will not be mocked. We will reap what we sow.
by Stuart Fricke
Kennewick, WA
In John 18:38, Pontius Pilate asks “What is truth?” seeming to mock the very notion of truth. Today’s world is rampant with deceit and falsification of facts, and the level of trust between our institutions and people is at an all-time low...
Beyond Today Daily
by Rick Shabi
In this Biblical Worldview episode, United Church of God president, Rick Shabi, explores the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict and the mysterious role of the red heifers in biblical prophecy.
by Barry Howdeshell
Little Rock, AR
As Christians we love this country, but we also look to another homeland, the Kingdom of God.  Why is it that this nation is so blessed?  God will not continue to bless us if we continue down our path of turning away from Him.  God isn't...
by Larry Walker
Halloween is a major holiday in the Western world for people of various backgrounds. Can Halloween celebrations be reconciled with a Christian worldview and lifestyle? The Bible holds the answer.
United News
Victor Kubik
President Letter
UCG president Victor Kubik shares additional thoughts on the importance of visiting the brethren and reflects on the modern message of Noah.
Last week I wrote about the importance of pastoral visiting, as one of the main responsibilities of our ministry and an expectation of our brethren. As part of our Pastoral Development Program, we provide training for our new ministers...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Are we wearing our armor?
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, Richard Berendt
Rick Berendt, a physician in Alberta, and Victor Kubik discuss what's been learned through the COVID-19 pandemic and how we can move forward together by following the best public health advice and by focusing on...
