United Church of God


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Total results: 4721.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Michael Kelley
Americans are losing cohesion with one another, with politics and societal values becoming more and more polarized. Where is this leading?
Inside United Podcast
by Jorge de Campos, Victor Kubik
Jorge de Campos is the senior pastor for the Portuguese-speaking areas of the world, the largest of which is Brazil. Jorge's update includes a Good Works agricultural project that will help church members and the community located in...
United News
John LaBissoniere
Our special thanks to all the brethren involved in The Good News magazine and brochure distribution programs.
Our special thanks to all the brethren involved in The Good News magazine and brochure distribution programs. Even though a number of significant changes, in terms of reduced magazine quantities, have taken place recently, the...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
A recent visit to the Ark replica in Kentucky led to a fresh look at the lessons from this important Bible story.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
With winter around the corner, some helpful parallels can be drawn by examining frost.
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Noel Roy Gilos
Feast Site Region: 
Our Feast of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day 2024 for Mindanao, Philippines, will once again be held at Hotel De Susana and Resort in Purok 2, Patag Bagontaas, Valencia City, Bukidnon. Labeled as the highland paradise in the heart of...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Is God gardening today?
United News
God continues to provide the Church with all it needs. We know and trust He will see us through whatever comes our way.
From the Treasurer... UCGIA Financial Update With the end of June marking the final month in fiscal year 2023-2024, we are encouraged to report that (unaudited figures throughout) total income has increased more than...
by Dan Apartian
Central Illinois
Humans celebrate the great philosophers and perspective givers from history- people like Confucius, Socrates, and Solomon. The thoughts of these philosophers are still studied today. Our perspective influences everything in our lives;...
by Dan Apartian
Central Illinois
When you hear the word saint, what image does it conjure in your mind? After Christ's death, "saint" is likely the word used most commonly in the New Testament to describe baptized believers. This message reviews how the term is used,...
by Dan Apartian
Central Illinois
Integrity is a vital quality we expect from each other in every part of our civilization. Yet we have experienced someone trying to deceive us. the live we live today is our training ground for future rulership in God's kingdom. As a...
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
Sermon look at our Fundamentals of Belief #15 - The Spiritual promises to Abraham
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
Sermon looking at our Fundamental belief #15 - The Physical promises and blessings to Abraham
by Glenn Radebaugh
Central Illinois
Sermonette looking at the story of Jonah. Does this book tell of a story of repentance or something different? What lessons can we learn from this book?
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
August 2024 Bible study - Starting the book of Obadiah with an introduction to conflict between Jacob and Esau and how it factors into the story of this book
by Patrick Kurtas
Central Illinois
Sermonette focusing on Phil 4:8 and the things we are to thing on. Whatsoever is lovely, whatsoever is pure, whatsoever is true .... think on these things.
by Bill Conway
Central Illinois
Sermonette looking at scriptures from John 1 and I Jn 1 that John gave us about walking in light and the 6 small lessons John gives us on this vital subject. 3 from John 1 and 3 from 1st John 1.
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
Sermon looking at the battle between David and Goliath and considering which approach should we take. Should we stand at the edge of the hill hurling insults at each other or should we instead be ambassadors for reconciliation.
by Patrick Kurtas
Central Illinois
Sermonette focusing on what makes leavened leadership and how we can become the leaders God wants us to be
