United Church of God


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Total results: 3304.
by Cort David Hughes
Charlotte, NC
Find out who the master potter is. And how clay is taken from the ground to a finished product.
by Rick Shabi
Home Office
This verse by verse Bible Study focuses primarily on Isaiah 63-64: "We Are the Clay and You are Our Potter"
Bible Questions and Answers
From what I've heard at camps and in my congregation, the ministers seem to think it's wrong, but none of them have read the books themselves. Please give me an answer from someone who has read them, if possible.
by Chris Rowland
Cincinnati East, OH
This sermon provides five lessons from the biblical analogy of the Potter and His clay so that we can become vessels useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.
by Darris McNeely
Dallas, TX
God told Jeremiah to go to the potter's house and there learn a lesson about how He works with those He chooses to put upon the wheel of life to shape and mold toward eternal life.
by Melvin Parks
Charlotte, NC
Are we clay that is moldable in the hands of the Master Potter?
by Freeman L. Kuhns
North Canton, OH
Jeremiah was a seasoned, veteran prophet whose message was directed toward the nation of Judah. Yet at one point he was commanded to go to the potter’s house to receive instruction from the Lord. For what purpose did this serve? What was...
by Darris McNeely
Cincinnati East, OH
Good pottery is both beautiful and useful. As clay in the hands of the potter, God is in the process of making us into vessels that are both useful and beautiful, in His image.
by Gene Taber
Yuma, AZ
Good pottery is both beautiful and useful. As clay in the hands of the potter, God is in the process of making us into the vessels He wants in His house. In this message we’ll see how this is done through several biblical...
by Lonnie Blankenship
Little Rock, AR
This sermon examines the craft of pottery and looks at the lessons we can learn about ourself and how God is working with us in order to help us to understand why we may be having trials and the benefit of enduring them.
Beyond Today
by Gregory Dullum
Hollywood's latest offering breaks all attendance records. Is this just an innocent tale? Or can there be sinister consequences to public? See what the Bible clearly says about sorcery.
by Scott Ashley
Denver, CO
Isaiah, Jeremiah and the apostle Paul all used the metaphor of a potter and clay to help us understand how God molds and shapes our love to become useful vessels in His hands.  In this study we will examine seven parallels betweeen how a...
by Harvey Wierenga
Grand Rapids, MI
We can use the steps that a potter uses to create a masterpiece out of clay as a parallel to how God shapes us as Christians. God's plan is to create a thing of beauty out of us, His chosen people.
by Roger J Korthuis
Burlington, WA
Split sermon - The importance of thinking of ourselfs as clay and how God looks at us as the Master Potter.
by Roy Waterhouse
Columbus, OH
Following the analogy of the potter and the clay used many times in the scriptures, discover how this fits in with how God works with us in our lives.
World News and Prophecy
by Cecil Maranville, Darris McNeely
Wizardry is big business. The latest boy-wizard Harry Potter book is assured of best-seller status before it even hits the bookstores July 8. If you haven't heard of Harry Potter, you will.
by Harvey Wierenga
Grand Rapids, MI
God is like a potter, and we are like the clay. Do we allow God and His Holy Spirit to work with us to become more malleable?
by Seldon A Olson
London, KY
As we live in the world today--and are looking forward to the coming Kingdom of God--we are in a period of preparation--a training period. God is using this time now in our lives to spiritually shape us into His very image (Genesis 1:26)--...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
God is the Master Potter.
