United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 3610.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely, Jerold Aust, Britton Taylor
False religion, war, famine and pestilence. What do these frightening biblical visions prophecy for today's world?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely, Britton Taylor, Tom Kirkpatrick
In a world of rapid and perilous change, are there steps you can take to insure the stability of your financial future?
Vertical Thought
by Hansel New
Humility may be in jeopardy today, but you and I can know the answer to the "Final Jeopardy" question.
Vertical Thought
by Randy Shoemaker
How much better would it be if the whole world acknowledged God for the gifts that He gives us, instead of seeking only success for self?
Good News
by Janet Treadway
Christians are God’s own children whom He in His love has chosen. Just like any loving parent, God won’t forsake us when we make mistakes or fail to live up to His standards, as long as we will still repent and seek to please Him.
by Jordan Taylor
Houston, TX
Mr. Taylor tells us that one of the most beautiful of the millennial scriptures of the Bible is Isaiah 35 that speaks of the eyes of the blind seeing and deaf hearing and the lame walking. He asks if we can imagine, for example, millions...
by Larry Taylor
Laurel, MS
This message gives us several points to consider as we prepare for the Passover.
Vertical Thought
by David Cobb
Ruling over our own selves is more difficult and requires a much greater depth of character than controlling things outside us. That's where true strength of characters lies.
by Janet Treadway
Have you ever felt you were doing the death crawl? I know that I have—it’s when you’ve exhausted every fiber of your being, lost hope, and want to quit. Do you ever feel that you are at your absolute limits? That your trials are getting...
by Jack Taylor
Huntsville, AL
We are told that we will one day be kings and priests with Christ. We ought to be preparing to be these now while we have time. In order to prepare, we need to know what we will be doing in our future role as priest. The many functions of...
by Jack Taylor
Huntsville, AL
Where Israel possibly received the Law on Pentecost, the Church received the Holy Spirit. To become one of God’s firstfruits we are to give our full effort in our works to produce spiritual fruit. We are to be without blemish; We are to...
United News
Bobbie Hubbard
3 former and current pastors were present for the celebration
On Nov. 19, 2005, 60 people gathered to celebrate the 10th anniversary of United Church of God in Coleman, Texas. Services began with the current pastor, Britton Taylor, who has pastored the Coleman congregation two times, giving a summary...
by Tony Stith
Twin Cities, MN
By nature we humans seek to be heard; often promoting our own thoughts, values and opinions above the values, thoughts and opinions of others; even sometimes above the things of God. In so doing we can be swift to do many things. We can be...
by Jack Taylor
Huntsville, AL
“It’s the Days of Unleavened Bread, and we just went through a thorough self-examination process as we prepared to take the Passover. We likely found some good fruits that we produced from the previous year. We also likely found some...
by Frank Fish
Los Angeles, CA
Scripture admonishes us to be swift to hear and slow to speak. What does does being swift to hear involve? Does listening require action? This message examines techniques of active listening to improve communication and promote...
by Ryan Hall
Spokane Valley, Washington 2023
In a letter written to the Roman Senate around 47 BC, Julius Caesar is credited of first using the phrase Veni, Vidi, Vici, “I Came, I Saw, I Conquered”. Those words that Julius Caesar penned captured what he desired to proclaim His...
