United Church of God


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Total results: 23754.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
The trumpet sounds everyday for a Christian.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
Persistent and consistent prayer is the key to developing faith and a deep relationship with God. 
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
Beyond Today is presenting "America: The Time Is Now!" in Nashville, Tennessee and other cities in the upcoming months. Understand what God is doing in the world today and what He could be doing in your life. 
by Tom C. Randle
Twin Cities, MN
We need to be doing the work that we have been called to do. We need to be putting sin out of our life. The time is short and we need to have a sense of urgency as we wait for the return of Jesus Christ.
by Melvin Rhodes
Cincinnati East, OH
We need to have a sense of urgency about preaching the gospel, about being zealous about our own spiritual state and our readiness for the return of Jesus Christ.
by Kevin Call
Portsmouth, OH
In this sermon Mr. Kevin Call shows from the apostle Paul that we should always realize the urgency of the time we are living in. Mr. Call illustrates that Paul was expecting for Christ to return in his life time. He urged those that were...
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely
Repentance is a requirement for all sin, whether in moments of weakness or in ignorance. And God is ready and willing to forgive us when we do repent.
Beyond Today Dailys
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
Viewers often write us asking for more on prophecy and world events. What are they really saying?
by Freeman L. Kuhns
North Canton, OH
If the New Testament church had known it would be another 2000 years prior to Christ’s return would it have come across in their message? Would they have lost urgency? Why is urgency important? What is your sense of urgency?
by John Miller
North Canton, OH
Authentic vision, if compelling, will create urgency. Urgency has two components which drive it: pain or pleasure. Urgency creates action, and action hope. The Feast of Trumpets is a pivotal day in God’s plan, and one that is yet ahead of...
by Rick Shabi
Dallas, TX
As Christians we must remained strong and committed to our calling not letting our guard down. We need to look to God for power and strength so we can remain standing when Christ returns to be there with him.
by Rick Shabi
Orlando, FL
The Bible tells us that “Judgment is now on the house of God.” Implicit in that statement is an attribute/skill that Christians must develop, exhibit, and maintain. Without this, “that day” (whenever “that day” is) may take us by...
by Doug Wendt
Tampa, FL
As children of God we must never lose sight of His great gift – the promise of eternal life! To get ready for that promise, Jesus Christ encourages His followers to keep their focus on the Kingdom and continually prepare for it. Therefore...
by Jim Moody
East Texas
When reading the Bible, there's a sense of urgency that jumps out at you. It’s everywhere in the scriptures. It’s up to us to embrace that sense of urgency and apply it on a day-to-day basis. We need to stay awake, always being ready to...
by John Paul Jones
Nashville, TN
Are we living in the last days? Are we individually and collectively ready for the return of Jesus Christ? Could we lose out on eternal life because we are lazy and complacent? The seriousness of the times and the uncertainty of life sound...
by Melvin Rhodes
Cincinnati East, OH
Do we still have that sense of urgency and zeal in preaching the gospel to all of the world?
by Ted Budge
Bakersfield, CA
The Israelites were told to be ready to leave the land of Egypt. We also, as Christians, are to live our lives with urgency. This message provides practical and important principles that we can use to align ourselves with God's way as we...
by Brian Shaw
Twin Cities, MN
How well we see between the darkness of this present evil age and the brightness of the coming Kingdom of God, is rooted in seeing how much we yet have to grow, against how little time we have to do so.
by Jim Tuck
Honolulu, HI
Salvation is the reason and purpose of our lives and calling. How focused should we be in its pursuit? How urgently should we pursue it in the times in which we live?
by Stan Martin
Nashville, TN
Jesus said that it would be like the days of Noah in the time before He returns. Do our lives reflect the urgency of living in times as if it were the days of Noah, by honoring God through our actions and attitudes?
