United Church of God


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Total results: 5302.
Sabbath Services
by Tim Heine, Ray Clore
United Church of God Feast of Tabernacles services: Jekyll Island, GA -- October 14, 2022 (Fifth Day)
Vertical Thought
by Randy Stiver
Homo homini Iupus—Latin proverb. We see the truth of this proverb in history. But will it always be so?
Bible Commentary
by Beyond Today Editor
God's first discourse continued: he rules and tends the animal world, first discourse concludes: will Job correct God, Job's first response to God: he has no answer
by Ray Clore
Jekyll Island, Georgia 2022
Young people will be able to play with formerly wild animals. God and His family will teach true history, science and a sustainable way of life to all. Rewarding jobs in construction and environmental restoration will be available. God...
by Stephen Kennedy
Phoenix East, AZ
"Wild Animals Eat Straw!"(Isaiah 11: 6),"Mountains Razed to Fill Valleys in Preparation for Resurrection!"(Isaiah 40: 4), "Plowman Overtakes the Reapers!"(Amos 9: 13) are headlines we look forward to reading in the "Millennial Times". But...
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Mabasa Chichaya
Feast Site Region: 
Lake Chivero This Feast site is located about 50 km west of the capital city Harare. It is a national heritage site in the National parks. Grass-thatched chalets and lodges are available within 80-100 meters from the lake shore,...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Scientists are now tinkering with editing the genes of animals to create designer animals. Where is this leading?
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Dell Shannon said: "Nobody keeps a cat. They condescend to live with you is all."
United News
by Angie Wilson
Principles of effective Christ-like leadership can be gleaned from the relationship between a horse and its master.
by David Treybig
Many who read the prophecies about world conditions prior to Jesus' return to this earth find them hard to believe. "Outlandish!" "Wild!" "Weird!" "Unbelievable!" These are common perceptions. But for those who have eyes to see and the...
United News
Osborne Liyawo
Constructed atop a small hill in Malawi’s commercial capital, Blantyre, is the UCG church hall.
This is where 107 members—mostly from the southern part of Malawi—assemble for weekly services. It was therefore only right and proper that the 2018 Feast of Tabernacles take place on this piece of land. Sermons took center stage....
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Gracious Mpilangwe
Feast Site Region: 
Lilongwe is the administrative capital of Malawi and, like all such cities, it enjoys a certain serenity and orderliness. Although it has been the nation’s capital since 1975, Lilongwe is a fast-growing city with a population of 800,000....
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Lewis VanAusdle
Feast Site Region: 
Lilongwe is the administrative capital of Malawi and, like all such cities, it enjoys a certain serenity and orderliness. Although it has been the nation’s capital since 1975, Lilongwe is a fast-growing city with a population of 800,000....
Vertical Thought
by Randy Stiver
We're born, we live, we die and then we're history. But when we're young we think about our future!
