United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 18377.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Here's a way to bring enthusiasm to your life.
Good News Radio
by Gary Petty
Understanding the life and death of Jesus Christ.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Do you have a lifelong passion for learning about God and the Bible?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely, Gary Petty
Each generation seems to create an image of Jesus to fit its own times and needs. Just who is the real Jesus Christ?
UCG Short Films
by Jamie Schreiber, Jonathan Magee
We were created with a desire to work, and work hard, at something we believe in. God gives us talents and He expects us to use them. Our talent is the fuel that drives us. As the apostle Peter wrote: “Each of us have been blessed with...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
We all have to fight spiritual battles, and success requires zeal and passion.
by Steve Myers
Cincinnati East, OH
Jesus demonstrated passion for God's way. What should that look like in your life? How can you have a spiritual zealousness for the mission to which God has called you?
by John Miller
North Canton, OH
Henry Timken's example shows the time-tested proverb: Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. What is your passion's promise? If you don't pursue it, you will never know.
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, Donald Ward
Council of Elders member Dr. Donald Ward is in the studio to talk about his personal history in education and his current passion for developing educational programs for the Church. Both biblical education and leadership education are...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Can you describe one aspect of God's will for your life?
by Randy D'Alessandro
Ann Arbor, MI
We were greatly inspired by the 2011 Feast of Tabernacles. but how long does that inspiration last? Will we use this year's Feast as a spring board for growth in the coming year or will we simply get caught up in the routine of life?...
Inside United Podcast
by Peter Eddington, Victor Kubik
Peter Eddington and Victor Kubik take a few minutes to remember the life and work of John Ross Schroeder, a prolific and dedicated writer for the Church. John's recent death is on our minds as we reflect on his excellent example as a...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
As the pandemic wanes and we return to life we're going to be interacting with others more. We need to acknowledge the emotions, both positive and negative, that will come with working closely with people again.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Persistent and consistent prayer is the key to developing faith and a deep relationship with God. 
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers, Darris McNeely
What defines your life?
Vertical Thought
by Barry Kenavan
Many young people today suffer from boredom. But you don't have to be one of them. Instead, become passionate. Here's how.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
In an anxious world, what can we do to overcome feelings of anxiety?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
How do you deal with fear? What did the disciples do after Jesus was resurrected, and what can we learn from the Bible record?
