United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 46348.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Focusing on this aspect can help improve our communication skills.
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
God wants you to give focused attention to His word and instruction, and to give diligent heed to how you then live your life. Here are three spiritual principles to help you give more careful heed to the words of life.
by Barry Korthuis
Cincinnati East, OH
How teachable are we? With the sermon time we will explore some of the traits of the teachable, what it looks like, how we benefit from it, while also seeing how we compare to those traits as we also look to see if we are honoring God...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Allowing us to suffer is not God's way of saying He is through with us, nor is it a mark of abandonment by Him.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Allowing us to suffer is not God's way of saying He is through with us, nor is it a mark of abandonment by Him.
Good Works
Isaac Nelson
Good Works
They listened and acted without murmuring or grumbling.
My recent trip to Brazil was exhilarating, to say the least. You could tell the camp was a success by the enlightened countenance of all the cheery-eyed children. The children and the staff all had an enjoyable and exciting time with all...
United News
by Robert H Berendt
People reach wrong conclusions when they think they cannot communicate. We can all learn new skills, but it takes effort, thought and action.
by Kim Boykin
Raleigh, NC
Pentecost 31 AD served as the launchpad for establishing and rocketing the Church of GOD forward in Purpose, Vision, Mission, and most importantly of all in Power as GOD poured out HIS Holy Spirit in a most demonstrative, attention...
by Tim Pebworth
Petaluma, CA
Filmmaker and media consultant Phil Cooke, is quoted as saying, “the most valuable commodity of the 21st century will be undivided attention.” Attention is an important biblical concept as well a critical characteristic of a disciple of...
United News
by Robin Webber
We have to push our tongue back, move our ears forward, and use our hearts as a doorstop—so we don’t get in the way.
by Lorelei Nettles
When someone brings something special into another person's life they are often called bright lights. When God-fearing people show how to live a truly Christian life they become brighter lights.
Compass Check
by Lorelei Nettles
People across time have loved music, and although the harmonies have changed, the general messages have not. Some may think the content of today’s music is worse, but although it may use more descriptive language, music has always...
Beyond Today
by Barbara Fenney
Improving our listening skills can improve our relationships as well.
