United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 45987.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Past blunders, defeats, mistakes and misfortunes have an impact on each one of us.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Past blunders, defeats, mistakes and misfortunes have an impact on each one of us.
Beyond Today
by Robert H Berendt
Wonderful memories. Painful memories. Why did God give us the capacity for memories? Will we ever truly be able to wipe away the evil and remember only the good?
by Don Hooser
In an old and popular American song appears the phrase "don't know much about history." How true! Americans know so little about human history before their "Declaration of Independence" was signed in 1776. But forgetting history can lead...
Beyond Today
by Elissa Kroeger
The psychological community does not recognize post-abortion syndrome (PAS). But it is real and does seriously affect many women—and men. What is it? Can someone heal from this traumatic experience? How? How can others help?
This Is The Way
by Robert H Berendt
Sorrow is defined as pain of mind, grief and sadness.
Breaking Free
by Anonymous Author
July 18, 1988: "I have to do something about myself and quick. It's getting very hard to breathe. I have no energy. I hate myself. I always feel sick, and I'm so skinny that my stomach sinks in and I can see my heart pumping and my stomach...
by Amber Duran
The scars we think are so permanently burned onto our hearts will be healed by a loving Father who never wanted us to be scarred or burned by life.
Forgiveness Is Possible
by United Church of God
Realizing how complete forgiveness is possible through Christ’s perfect sacrifice, we must look ahead to maintaining the right course.
by Gary Antion
Cincinnati East, OH
Remembrances in Scripture for us to note and follow.
by Lorelei Nettles
Are we staying focused on God, or are we allowing what could have been to get in our way?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Sin is painful and God's Word exposes that pain so that we can heal.
United News
by Ellen Burton
God understands the sorrow and pain that parents feel when their children choose not to follow in the faith.
by Becky Sweat
There are many ways fear can harm us. Usually when it’s got hold of me, it’s having at least one or all of the following effects on my life.
