United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 49081.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Grandparents and grandchildren can share a love that transcends both generations and geography.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Thankfulness is a key feature of the fulfilling way of life taught by the Bible.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Janet Treadway
Grandparents raising their grandchildren for different reasons is on the rise. I call them heroes because they are sacrificing to give their grandchildren the best opportunities they can.
United News
by Marilyn Braley
The book Grandparents/Grandchildren: The Vital Connection by Arthur Kornhaber, M.D., and Kenneth L. Woodward (published by Transaction Publishers, 1997) was inspired by 8-year-old Billy who insisted on telling his therapists in session...
Beyond Today
by Robert H Berendt
Families are made up of different generations. Grandparents have a strong role in the family and here is one example of that love and honor.
Beyond Today
by Marilyn Braley
Parents aren’t always able to stay home with their children. One option may be the children’s grandparents. Here is one woman’s experience with her own grandchildren.
by Gary Petty
Cincinnati East, OH
In your life you're going to experience a paradox of good times and bad times. Your happiness is important to God in all of this and that's why you must learn happiness.
by Mark Smith
Murfreesboro, TN
Seven points are expounded on in this message that can help us in relating to children in our lives, whether we are parents or grandparents.
Beyond Today
by Lorelei Nettles
We turned out okay, but what about our children? What foundations are set up for them and what about the recent tragedies. How can we be better parents?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
Learn three methods that bring good results in helping children grow from foolish to wise behavior.
